Holidays in Tesimo - Prissiano

Castle villages on the sunny slopes south of Merano

Tesimo/Tisens and Prissiano/Prissian is set in a unique location on top of a sunny hill to the south of the spa town of Merano/Meran. At one time, the aristocracy and wealthy landowners visited the villages for summer relaxation and hiking. As a result there are many castles and summer residences here, as well as mountain churches and chapels dating to previous times.

Surrounded by vineyards, fruit and chestnut groves, unique natural sites can be explored in Tesimo/Tisens, Prissiano/Prissian, Grissiano/Grissian, Narano/Naraun, Caprile/Gfrill and Plazzoles/Platzers. There are adventure hiking trails and walks to historic mountain churches such as St. Jakob or St Hippolyt, with unique views of the Dolomites. The two main towns of the area, Merano/Meran and Bolzano/Bozen, are both in view and can be reached quickly within a 20 minutes’ drive.

On the northern slope of Katzenzungen Castle grows the largest and possibly oldest vine in the world, the Versoaln vine, the wine of which can be tasted on site. And in autumn, Tesimo and Prissiano and the only female Michelin-star chef in South Tyrol, Anna Matscher, invite visitors to the Keschtnriggl chestnut festival, a culinary festival in honor of the Tesimo chestnut.
Fancy some relaxation in a breathtaking landscape?
Then welcome to Tisens-Prissian!
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tisens.prissian tisens.prissian 11 days ago

"Ich geh mit meiner Laterne...!" – This song fills the streets of Prissian and many towns in South Tyrol tonight! 🕯️✨ Here in Prissian, St. Martin’s Day is celebrated with a special children’s service in the St. Martin Church, followed by a traditional lantern parade. With glowing lanterns and joyful laughter, the children, accompanied by the village band and St. Martin himself on horseback, make their way to the fire station in the village center. A beautiful evening of light, tradition, and community! ❤️
#tisensprissian #lovetisensprissian #feetisensprissian
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#SouthTyrol #StMartin #LanternParade #prissian #tisens #tesimo #light #prissiano #tradition

Feriengebiet Tisens-Prissian in Südtirol Feriengebiet Tisens-Prissian in Südtirol 12 days ago
Feriengebiet Tisens-Prissian in Südtirol

Morgen ist St. Martin – Ein besonderer Tag in Prissian! 🌟

Am 11. November feiern wir den Tag des Heiligen Martin. Traditionell ziehen die Kinder mit bunten Laternen durch die Straßen und singen Lieder – ein Zeichen für Licht und Wärme in der dunklen Jahreszeit. ✨🕯️

In Prissian ist dieser Tag etwas ganz Besonderes: Durch unsere St. Martin Kirche begehen wir auch unseren Kirchtag! Schon am Vormittag beginnt dieser Festtag mit einem Gottesdienst in der St. Martin Kirche gefolgt vom traditionellen Frühschoppen im Gerätehaus der Freiwilligen Feuerwehr Prissian.
Am Abend treffen sich dann die Kinder bei der St. Martin Kirche und gestalten gemeinsam eine Kinderandacht. Nach dem Gottesdienst startet der Laternenumzug der Kindergarten- und Volksschulkinder, begleitet von der Musikkapelle Prissian, und führt ins Dorfzentrum, wo die Feuerwehr wieder zum geselligem Beisammensein einlädt.

tisens.prissian tisens.prissian 16 days ago

Good morning!! 🥰

#lovetisensprissian #feeltisensprissian #tisensprissian
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#tisens #prissian #tesimo #prissiano #southtyrol #goodmorning #castles #sunrise

Feriengebiet Tisens-Prissian in Südtirol Feriengebiet Tisens-Prissian in Südtirol 17 days ago
Feriengebiet Tisens-Prissian in Südtirol

Was sind das für herrliche Herbsttage mit klarer Luft und Sonnenschein in den letzten Tagen!! Einfach traumhaft. 🍂🍁🌞

Das aktuelle Wetter in Tisens-Prissian kannst du jederzeit über unsere Webcam verfolgen. Einfach reinklicken und die Aussicht genießen 😉 👉

Feriengebiet Tisens-Prissian in Südtirol Feriengebiet Tisens-Prissian in Südtirol 22 days ago
Feriengebiet Tisens-Prissian in Südtirol

🍂 Magia d'autunno a Tesimo-Prissiano: la natura si veste di colori 🍂

L'autunno ha trasformato Tesimo-Prissiano in un'esplosione di colori straordinari. Le foglie brillano in calde tonalità di giallo, arancione e rosso, e l'aria fresca e limpida delle montagne offre una vista spettacolare sulle cime maestose. Passeggiando tra boschi colorati e vigneti, si percepisce la natura che si prepara al riposo, mostrando però tutta la sua bellezza.

Che sia per una passeggiata rilassante o un'escursione panoramica, i colori autunnali e la vista chiara sulle montagne regalano pace e meraviglia. 🌄

Qual è il tuo posto preferito a Tesimo-Prissiano in autunno? ❤

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