Schnalstal Valley
Holidays below the highest glaciers of the Eastern Alps
Schnalstal Valley
Schnalstal Valley

Schnalstal Valley

Holidays below the highest glaciers of the Eastern Alps

The Schnalstal Valley is a wild and unspoiled valley that extends from the village of Naturno/Naturns with its fruit orchards and vineyards beneath Juval Castle to the picturesque and imposing glaciers at the valley head. The Schnalstal Valley has few local inhabitants but is home to numerous rare Alpine animals, making it the perfect location for a peaceful holiday in nature, below the high glaciers and peaks of the Texelgruppe mountain range. On the way to Mount Similaun is the discovery place of the famous 5000-year old ice mummy, Oetzi. The Schnalstal Valley is also a popular destination for winter sports. Ski enthusiasts will find glacier slopes that remain open until may.

The Schnalstal Valley stretches from apple orchards at the valley’s entrance to the mighty glaciers at the head of the valley. Between them, steep mountains project into the sky. Dense larch forests extend up to 2,600m a.s.l.; centuries-old farmhouses bear witness to the formerly meager everyday rural life in this secluded valley. Only upon construction of the Schnalstal Glacier Cable Car in 1972 did modern tourism arrive in the area.

To its 1,300 inhabitants, Schnalstal Valley includes the sunny village of Monte S. Caterina/Katharinaberg, the Pfossental Valley and the village of Certosa/Karthaus in a former convent, the peaceful village of Madonna di Senales/Unser Frau, the hamlet of Vernago/Vernagt and the ski village of Maso Corto/Kurzras. Schnalstal Valley is the least populated valley in South Tyrol. It offers peace and originality in a high alpine mountain landscape.
Interactive Map
Here you can find hiking trails, places of interest, lifts ... read more ...
Interactive Map
Webcam - Schnalstal - Ice Man Ötzi Peak
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schnalstal_visit_valsenales schnalstal_visit_valsenales 4 days ago


🪗 Einblick in alte Traditionen - Besucht unsere Tiroler Abende mit den Goaßlschnellern und Ziehharmonika Musik.

🪗 Scoprire le antiche tradizioni: visitate le nostre serate tirolesi con i schioccatori di frusta e la musica della fisarmonica.

🪗 Insight into old traditions - visit our Tyrolean evenings with the whip crackers and accordion music.

Wann & Wo? | Dove e quando? | When & where?

23.07.2024 - 20.30 - Kurzras | Maso Corto

30.07.2024 - 20.30 - Karthaus | Certosa

06.08.2024 - 20.30 - Unser Frau | Madonna di Senales

20.08.2024 - 20.30 - Kurzras | Maso Corto

schnalstal_visit_valsenales schnalstal_visit_valsenales 12 days ago

🏃‍♂️ Trailrunning Schnalstal/Val Senales 🏃🏃‍♂️🏃‍♀️
… du tankst frische Bergluft und lernst dich und deine Grenzen kennen.
… prendi una boccata d'aria fresca di montagna ed impari a conoscere te stesso e i tuoi limiti.
… you get some fresh mountain air and get to know yourself and your limits.

Trailrunning Days mit/con/with Dani Jung


📸 Peter Santer

#danijung #trailrun #trailrunning #trailrunninglife #schnalstal #valsenales #schnalstalvalley #saltytrailrunning #suedtirol #altoadige #southtyrol

schnalstal_visit_valsenales schnalstal_visit_valsenales 18 days ago

☀️ Willkommen Sommer
☘️ Benvenuta estate
😎 Welcome summertime
🌸 Witamy lato
🌞 Vítejte léto

📸 Vernagt See mit Finailhof / Lago di Vernago con i masi Finail / Vernago Lake with Finail farmhouse
TG Schnalstal

#schnalstal #valsenales #schnalstalvalley #vernagt #vernago #vernagtsee #lagodivernago #summer #sonne #suedtirol #altoadige #southtyrol #meetmerano

schnalstal_visit_valsenales schnalstal_visit_valsenales 24 days ago

🇩🇪 Liebe Schnalstal Freunde,
die Straße ins Schnalstal ist für den privaten und öffentlichen Verkehr von 6.00 Uhr Früh bis 21.00 Uhr am Abend geöffnet. Die Abbruchstelle wird über ein Radarsystem überwacht und der Verkehr per Ampelsystem geregelt, welches für Sicherheit bürgt. Kurze Wartezeiten entstehen an der Ampel bei Neuratheis.
Wir freuen uns auf Ihren Besuch. 🤗

🇮🇹 Cari amici della Val Senales,
la strada che porta in Val Senales è aperta al traffico privato e pubblico dalle ore 6.00 alle ore 21.00. Il sito di caduta massi è monitorato con un sistema radar e il traffico è regolato da un impianto semaforico, che garantisce sicurezza. I tempi di attesa ai semafori di Ratisio Nuovo sono brevi.
Vi aspettiamo per una visita. 🤩

🇬🇧 Dear friends of the Schnalstal Valley,
the road into the Schnalstal Valley is open to private and public traffic from 6.00 am to 9.00 pm. The rockfall site is monitored with a radar system and traffic is regulated by a traffic light system, which guarantees safety. There are short waiting times at the traffic lights at Neuratheis.
We look forward to your visit. 🥰

schnalstal_visit_valsenales schnalstal_visit_valsenales 2 months ago

"Die Tradition ist kein Museum, sondern ein lebendiges Erbe, das wir bewahren und gestalten."
🐑 Morgen Früh starten unsere Schäfchen von Kurzras über das Hochjoch in Richtung der saftigen Sommerweiden im Ötztal. Wir wünschen alles Gute! 🍀
Den beschwerlichen Weg von Vernagt über das Niederjoch zu den Weiden nahe Vent, tritt die zweite Herde am nächsten Samstag, den 22. Juni an.

"La tradizione non è un museo, ma un patrimonio vivente che conserviamo e modelliamo".
🐑 Domani mattina, le nostre pecore partiranno da Maso Corto attraverso il Giogo Alto verso i rigogliosi pascoli estivi della Valle d'Ötz. Vi auguriamo il meglio! 🍀
Il faticoso viaggio da Vernago attraverso il Giogo Basso verso i pascoli vicino a Vent sarà intrapreso dal secondo gregge sabato prossimo, 22 giugno.

"Tradition is not a museum, but a living heritage that we preserve and shape."
🐑 Tomorrow morning, our sheep will set off from Kurzras over the Hochjoch towards the lush summer pastures in Ötztal. We wish you all the best! 🍀
The arduous journey from Vernagt over the Niederjoch to the pastures near Vent will be undertaken by the second flock next Saturday, 22 June.

📸 Gudrun Muschalla

#schnalstal #valsenales #schnalstalvalley #southtyrol #altoadige #südtirol #transhumanz #transumanza #tranhumance #tradition #sheep #schafe #pecore

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The request and booking module for the Schnalstal Valley in South Tyrol
Plan your vacation in one of the most fascinating valleys of the alps now
Hollywood goes Schnalstal Valley
Hollywood goes Schnalstal Valley
The request and booking module for the Schnalstal Valley at South Tyrol
Plan your vacation in one of the most fascinating valleys of the alps now
Welcome to the Schnalstal Valley
Your winter adventure in untouched nature read more ...
Welcome to the Schnalstal Valley
Schnalstal Valley
Schnalstal Valley
Schnalstal Valley

From active skiing holiday to undisturbed winter tranquillity

Powder snow, sun and relaxation. No long waits at the lifts, the slopes are perfectly prepared and never overrun: this is our forte! Hiking along the winter trails off-piste, you will discover much that is authentic and pristine, something that is very rare these days in this form.
There is a soothing silence in the winter forest, the crunching under foot is repetitive, taking on a meditative rhythm, you feel the winter chill on your face and a pleasant feeling of warmth and activity flows through your limbs. Walking and hiking through a winter landscape has a very special effect on body, soul and spirit. Once the senses are sharpened, you discover many things in nature that make each trip so unique: Deep tracks in the snow, the babbling of water beneath the frozen ice layer over the river or the dazzling sun splitting the tree tops.
Breathe in the cold, clear glacier air, sense and experience the warmth of the people. Mountain Inns, wine taverns, restaurants and ski lodges provide an opportunity to take a break and are known for their hospitality. Such moments turn into images and memories that have a beneficial impact on your day-to-day life.
Discover the Schnalstal Valley
Discover the Schnalstal Valley
The request and booking module for the Schnalstal Valley
Plan your vacation in one of the most fascinating valleys of the alps now