Music & concerts in Passeiertal Valley
Music is in the air in Passeiertal Valley
Music & concerts in Passeiertal Valley

Music & concerts in Passeiertal Valley

Music is in the air in Passeiertal Valley

Lively, sociable and relaxed – that’s the atmosphere at the weekly entertainment evenings in St. Martin/S. Martino, Saltaus/Saltusio and St. Leonhard/S. Leonardo. The Passeiertal Valley brass bands, Bohemian bands and choirs outshine themselves to delight locals and visitors with their performances. Folk dance groups lead the way and invite visitors to take to the dance floor. Food and drink are available in abundance to make these delightful social evenings in the Passeiertal Valley complete.
Saturday 28 Sep
Moos in P.,Timmels / Moso in Passiria, Rombo
11:00 - 17:00
"Schofschoade" (seperation of the sheeps) at the Timmelsalm
On 28 September, the sheep return from their summer retreat. The return is celebrated on the Timmelsalm with the traditional sheep shearing ceremony. After shearing the sheep, the animals are handed ...
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Monday 30 Sep
St. Martin in Passeier/S. Martino in Passiria
20:30 - 21:30
"Stories from the Passeiertal Valley"
A welcome to you, dear guests, in the form of a tour through the village centre with folk songs, poems for reflection and humorous incidents from the Passeiertal Valley. The event will be in German.
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Music & Delight
Tuesday 01 Oct
St. Leonhard in Passeier/S. Leonardo in Passiria
20:30 - 22:00
Music & Delight
Our events combines music and enjoyment in the village centre. Visitors can also expect a tasting of alpine and mediterranean delicacies during a traditional concert by our local music bands.
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Tallner Sunntig in the Hirzer hiking area
Sunday 06 Oct
Obertall, Videgg and Hirzer hiking area
10:00 - 17:00
Tallner Sunntig in the Hirzer hiking area
Every first Sunday from May to October, the mountain hut landlords invite you to enjoy special delicacies and atmospheric music. The cable cars Hirzer, Verdins-Tall, chairlift Grube and the ...
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Törggele Festival
Sunday 06 Oct
St. Martin in Passeier/S. Martino in Passiria
11:00 - 17:00
Törggele Festival
The music band of St. Martin invites you to the traditional Törggele Festival. Festival Program: 10:00 a.m. Holy Mass on the village square approx. 11:00 a.m. march of the music band "Nußdorf am Inn" ...
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Törggele Festival (Psairer Herbst)
Friday 18 Oct
16:00 - 21:00
Törggele Festival (Psairer Herbst)
Enjoy autumnal delicacies such as roasted chestnuts and refreshing Suser (new wine). The music group "Die Zwoadörfler" entertains with lively music, and there are also dance performances by children ...
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