Our cheesy dairy situated in Pfelders/Plan uses very precious ingredients to make the delicious cheeses.
Our products: We produce our own milk cheese and yogurt. Unique cheese products: Zeppichler bacon cheese, mild, spicy and piquant Pfelderer Bergkäse mountain cheese, Zeppichler Kräuterzauber herbs cheese, natural Mutschli, chili Mutschli, wild garlic Mutschli and garlic Mutschli.
Guided tour: We offer guided tours on request (only in German or Italian)
The starting point is easy to reach with the following public connections: With bus line 240 from Meran/Merano to Pfelders/Plan.
From Meran/Merano to the Passeiertal Valley in direction of Timmelsjoch Mountain Pass to Moos/Moso and then furtheron to Pfelders/Plan.