The Passeiertal Valley

A holiday in one of the most varied valleys of South Tyrol

The Passeiertal Valley, birthplace of the Tyrolean national hero Andreas Hofer, is one of the most unspoiled and scenically diverse valleys in South Tyrol. Located north of Meran/Merano, the valley winds upwards to the Jaufenpass pass, along an ancient trading route. In the lower part of the valley, between Riffian/Rifiano-Kuens/Caines, St. Martin/S. Martino and the main town of St. Leonhard/S.Leonardo, holidaymakers will find a gentle, expansive valley landscape with Mediterranean flair and top-class hotels. In the upper part of the valley, between Moos/Moso, Stuls/Stulles, Rabenstein/Corvara, Platt/Plata and “soft mobility” Pfelders/Plan, the high alpine landscape rises proudly, offering breath-taking views into the mountains. Protected on its north side, with 300 days of sunshine every year and fascinating climatic contrasts, the Passeiertal Valley is a top destination for athletes, families, gourmets and those seeking rest and relaxation.
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passeiertal_valpassiria passeiertal_valpassiria 4 days ago

Spring is here - so the "Psairer Langis" is starting! 🌿 From April 14th to May 30th, more than 20 exciting activities and plenty of enjoyment await you. Remember, registration is required for each event! 🍃🌸
#psairerlangis #springinthemountains #passeiertal

Passeiertal-Val Passiria Passeiertal-Val Passiria 4 days ago
Passeiertal-Val Passiria

Der Frühling ist da - und mit ihm der "Psairer Langis"!🌿Vom 14. April bis 30. Mai erwarten euch mehr als 20 spannende Aktivitäten und jede Menge Genuss. Denkt dran, für jede Veranstaltung ist eine Anmeldung erforderlich! 🍃🌸
La primavera è arrivata: parte il "Psairer Langis"! 🌿 Dal 14 aprile al 30 maggio vi aspettano più di 20 attività interessanti e tanto piacere. Ricordatevi, per ogni evento è necessaria l'iscrizione! 🍃🌸

passeiertal_valpassiria passeiertal_valpassiria 7 days ago

Craftsmanship meets tradition! 🍻✨
Brewing beer is true craftsmanship. Join a guided tour at Martinerhof in St. Martin/S. Martino to see how Martinsbräu is brewed traditionally and with great passion. You can taste the in-house varieties and learn all about the art of brewing. A real experience for all beer lovers - and those who want to become one! 🍻
#passeiertal #beerlovers #brewing

📷 Othmar Seehauser | Simone Peist

Passeiertal-Val Passiria Passeiertal-Val Passiria 7 days ago
Passeiertal-Val Passiria

Handwerkskunst trifft auf Tradition🍻✨
Bierbrauen ist eine echte Handwerkskunst. Schau dir bei einer Führung im Martinerhof in St. Martin an, wie das Martinsbräu traditionell und mit viel Leidenschaft gebraut wird. Du kannst die hauseigenen Sorten probieren und alles über die Kunst des Brauens erfahren. Ein echtes Erlebnis für alle Bierliebhaber - und die, die es werden wollen! 🍻
L'arte della birra incontra la tradizione🍻✨
Fare la birra è un'autentica arte artigianale. Vieni a trovarci e scopri, durante una visita guidata al Martinerhof di S. Martino, come la nostra birra Martinsbräu viene prodotta tradizionalmente e con tanta passione. Dopo, assapora le nostre birre uniche e scopri tutti i segreti dell'arte della birra. Un'esperienza imperdibile per tutti gli amanti della birra – e per chi vuole diventarlo! 🍻

📷 Othmar Seehauser | Simone Peist

passeiertal_valpassiria passeiertal_valpassiria 10 days ago

What would the perfect golf day look like? Mild temperatures, bloonming flowers and a breathtaking mountain panorama? Sounds perfect! How about making your next shot in this stunning natural setting?🌸⛳️
#springgolf #mountainviews #passeiertal

📷 Damian Pertoll

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