Churches in Parcines, Rablà and Tel
Churches in Parcines and environs express faith, tradition, culture and art history
Churches in Parcines, Rablà and Tel
Churches in Parcines, Rablà and Tel
Churches in Parcines, Rablà and Tel
Churches in Parcines, Rablà and Tel
Churches in Parcines, Rablà and Tel

Churches in Parcines, Rablà and Tel

Churches in Parcines and environs express faith, tradition, culture and art history

The richness of attractions in Parcines, Rablà and Tel play upon the historical ancient monuments, numerous catholic churches built in romanesque and gothic style.
Parish Church of St. Peter and Paul in Partschins
Parish Church of St. Peter and Paul in Partschins
The Parish Church of Saints Peter and Paul – A Testament to History and Faith The Parish Church of Saints Peter and Paul, formerly known as the Church of Saint ...
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Chapel of St. James Rabland/Rablà
Chapel of St. James Rabland/Rablà
St. Jakob's Chapel was built in late Gothic style in 1513. On the outer wall, you can see two sundials from the 16th century. The chapel interior houses a ...
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New Parish Church of Rabland/Rablà
New Parish Church of Rabland/Rablà
The Christkönigskirche church, also known as the new parish church, was built between 1961 and 1963. The church has a flat-ceiling nave with a separate altar ...
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Chapel of St. Helena in Töll/Tel
Chapel of St. Helena in Töll/Tel
Mentioned for the first time in 1326 in a charter of the "Allerengelberg Carthusian Monastery" in the Val Senales/Schnalstal, which granted the monks "the ...
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Sunday 10 Aug
12:00 - 15:00
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