Telescopes - a focus on architecture in Parcines and Rablà
Historical sights in the focus
Telescopes - a focus on architecture in Parcines and Rablà
Telescopes - a focus on architecture in Parcines and Rablà
The “Hingucker” viewing platform on the Waalweg of Partschins/Parcines (path along the irrigation channel) gives excellent views of the Parish Church of St. Peter and Paul, a delightful late-Gothic style building with an onion-shaped dome right in the centre of the village.
The second place of interest is Spauregg Castle with its imposing garden paths and beautiful Mediterranean trees and shrubs, including a mighty 45mt. high Mammoth Tree.
The third place of interest lies along the Monte Sole Panorama Path, part of the old Roman via Claudia Augusta, which is the oldest road in the entire Venosta area! You can see a copy of an ancient Roman mile stone at the “Hanswirt”, a post hotel which welcomed travelers in the VIII and X centuries. And, don’t forget to take a look at the late-Gothic St. Jakob’s church which dates back to the year 1513!
Spauregg Castle
Spauregg Castle
This stately home dates back to the XII century and is owned by the descendants of Knight Franz Ferdinand von und zu Goldegg. The splendid gardens are the home ...
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Parish Church of St. Peter and Paul in Partschins
Parish Church of St. Peter and Paul in Partschins
The Parish Church of Saints Peter and Paul – A Testament to History and Faith The Parish Church of Saints Peter and Paul, formerly known as the Church of Saint ...
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Chapel of St. James Rabland/Rablà
Chapel of St. James Rabland/Rablà
St. Jakob's Chapel was built in late Gothic style in 1513. On the outer wall, you can see two sundials from the 16th century. The chapel interior houses a ...
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Grave stone from the Roman era - Via Claudia Augusta
Grave stone from the Roman era - Via Claudia Augusta
At Hochhueben Hof farm in Partschins/Parcines, a feudal holding of the Salzburg Bishops dating to the 14th century, a Roman gravestone has been built into the ...
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Roman milestone of the Via Claudia Augusta
Roman milestone of the Via Claudia Augusta
The discovery of an ancient Roman Milestone proves that the old Roman road, the via Claudia Augusta, which led up and over the Alps, ran through Töll/Tel and ...
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Round trip along the ancient Waalweg (irrigation channel) of Partschins/Parcines open
all hiking routes, Paths which follow the farmers'irrigation channels
Round trip along the ancient "Waalweg" (irrigation channel) of Partschins/Parcines

Splendid views over the surrounding countryside and the perfect place for an easy stroll to the accompaniment of the tinkling music of pure, clear, fresh water.

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From Partschins to the Sonnenberg Mountain Panoramic Trail Naturno open
all hiking routes
From Partschins to the Sonnenberg Mountain Panoramic Trail Naturno

The Monte Sole (Sonnenberg) of the Val Venosta valley from Partschins/Parcines to Mals/Malles is known for its steppe-like vegetation.

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