Tennis in Naturns
A well-rounded affair
Tennis in Naturns

Tennis in Naturns

A well-rounded affair

Train at South Tyrol's number 1 tennis center in Naturns!

You will find 4 outdoor clay courts and a tennis hall with 4 indoor courts.
The Tennis Camp Naturns and the Gery Riedl Tennis School offer you the best conditions for your perfect training.

Various offers and training concepts for all ages and levels make tennis holidays in Naturns a complete experience.

+39 0473 668094

Train like professionals - with professionals
Tennis school Gery Riedl
Tennis school Gery Riedl
Train like professionals - with professionals Whether beginner or tournament player, Gery Riedl and his team teach tennis fans regardless of their skill level. ...
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Tenniscamp Naturno
Tenniscamp Naturns au der Luft
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