Tennis in Naturns/Naturno

In Naturno there are four well-maintained outdoor clay courts and four indoor courts with rubber granulate carpet for tennis fans. In addition, there is a restaurant and bar area and an inviting garden. Whether beginners or tournament players, Gery Riedl and his team teach tennis fans regardless of their skill level. The learning methods and intensity are individually adapted to your level. Lessons are 100% guaranteed, as the outdoor courts can be played from mid-March onwards, thanks to the mild climate.
Benefit from over 30 years of experience in professional and popular sports.

Description to arrive at destination
Coming from Merano, turn at the roundabout Hauptstraße/Prokulusstraße/Gustav-Flora-Straße into Gustav-Flora-Straße. After approx. 100 m. is on the left side the Naturnser Tenniscamp
Public transport
Bus 251 Merano/Naturno: Stop Naturno Centre
Bus 266: Schnalstal/Naturno: Stop Naturno Centre
Train 250: Merano/Malles: Stop Naturno
Parking spaces at the tenniscamp
Train with the coaching team of the European Tennis Academy on the grounds of the tennis camp Naturns
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Tennis in Naturns/Naturno
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