Sightseeing in the Surrounding Area
Cultural offerings in the Naturno area
Sightseeing in the Surrounding Area

Sightseeing in the Surrounding Area

Cultural offerings in the Naturno area

In addition to the cultural and historical highlights in Naturno/Naturns, there are numerous castles and palaces, churches and monasteries, museums, art and natural monuments in the territory of Merano/Meran and the Val Venosta/Vinschgau Valley as well as the rest of South Tyrol which should not be missed.

For example, the Churburg Castle in Sluderno/Schluderns, the picturesque tower in the Reschensee lake or the medieval town of Glorenza/Glurns, the ArcheoPark, or the Gardens at Trauttmansdorff Castle.
Funpark Naturno
Funpark Naturno
The fun-park in Naturno is a square of 40 x 20 meters with a modern ground cover for Basketball, small soccer, handball or volleyball. It has also a great area ...
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Lake of Stava
Lake of Stava
Fishing for non-members and holiday guests . On Saturdays , Sundays and public holidays ( 08 . 00 – 20 . 00 clock ) you can fish rods at the fishing pond . The ...
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Minigolf Naturno
Minigolf Naturno
The Mini Golf Park in Naturno offers two golf courses, one based on beton and on on eternite. The Park is at the sports zone of Naturno.
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Cablecar Unterstell
Cablecar Unterstell
The Unterstell cable car in Naturns takes you from 550m to 1,300m in just a few minutes. From the mountain station, you can reach the famous Merano High ...
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Fun Train Station Naturno/Stava
Fun Train Station Naturno/Stava
Discover the train station! The entertainment train station at Naturno/Stava is the old train station of the Val Senales. It shows an electric train on an 800 ...
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Church Unsere Liebe Frau in Stava/Staben
Church Unsere Liebe Frau in Stava/Staben
Named after the Virgin Mary, the church and its tower date back to Romanesque times. The church was rebuilt and re-consecrated in 1638. A stone with a ...
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«123456» 46 items on 6 pages, displayed items 41-46
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Naturns  I  Naturno Naturns I Naturno 2 months ago
Naturns  I  Naturno

🇩🇪: Der wunderschöne Reschensee im Winter!💙

📸: IDM Südtirol/Benjamin Pfitscher


🇮🇹: Il bellissimo lago di Resia in inverno!💙

📸: IDM Alto Adige/Benjamin Pfitscher

naturns_naturno naturns_naturno 2 months ago

𝚆𝚎 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚜𝚔𝚒𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚢𝚘𝚞?❤

📸: IDM Südtirol/Alex Filz

#naturns #naturno #skiing #winter #snow #paradise #outdoor #southtyrol #südtirol #skifahren #schnee #winterparadies #draußenzuhause #altoadige #neve #inverno #sciare

Naturns  I  Naturno Naturns I Naturno 2 months ago
Naturns  I  Naturno

🇩🇪: Wie wärs mit einer Winterwanderung zum Vigiljoch bzw. zur St. Vigilius Kirche? Der Schnee❄️ vergangene Woche hat eine wunderschöne Winterlandschaft hinterlassen!😍

📸: IDM Südtirol

🇮🇹: Perché non fare una passeggiata invernale verso il Monte San Vigilio o la chiesa di San Vigilio? La neve❄️ della scorsa settimana ha regalato un panorama da sogno!😍

📸: IDM Alto Adige

Naturns  I  Naturno Naturns I Naturno 2 months ago
Naturns  I  Naturno

🇩🇪: Krapfenliebe in Naturns: Was ist dein süßer Favorit zur Narrenzeit?😋


🇮🇹: Amore per i krapfen a Naturno: Qual è il tuo dolce preferito per il Carnevale?😋

Naturns  I  Naturno Naturns I Naturno 2 months ago
Naturns  I  Naturno

🇩🇪: Der Kirchturm im Reschensee der als Überbleibsel der Ortschaft Alt-Graun gilt💒, die Stadtmauern der mittelalterlichen Stadt Glurns, das Schloss in Kastelbell, die Kurstadt Meran, in der schon Kaiserin Sissi👑 zu Besuch war - all das sind einige Lieblingsplätze entlang des Etschradweges!❤️ Was ist euer Lieblingsplatz?

📸: IDM Südtirol/Alex Moling

🇮🇹: Il campanile nel lago di Resia, che è considerato un residuo dell'antico villaggio di Curon Venosta💒, le mura della città medievale di Glorenza, il castello di Castelbello, la città termale di Merano, dove già l'imperatrice Sissi👑 era di visita - questi sono alcuni dei luoghi preferiti lungo la pista ciclabile della Val Venosta!❤️ Qual è il vostro posto preferito?

📸: IDM AltoAdige/Alex Moling

naturns_naturno naturns_naturno 2 months ago

We browsed through our photo archive and found the following picture... how do you like it?🥰
The photo is from the year 2021 and shows the beautiful mountain peaks of the Sonnenberg mountain in Naturns, glowing in the morning sun.☀️

#naturns #naturno #mountains #snow #winter #whataview #southtyrol #südtirol #sonne #bergspitzen #sonnenberg #altoadige #cima #montagne #montesole #sole #altoadigedavivere #altoadigedascoprire

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