Thermal village near Merano


The thermal village near Merano


Naturns is located 15 km west of Merano, in the heart of the Texel Group Nature Park, and stretches from the charming village Plaus to the charming districts of Tabland, Tschirland, and Staben. From family holidays filled with exciting experiences for young and old, to outdoor activities for hikers, climbers, and bikers, or total relaxation at the Erlebnistherme Naturns.

Discover and enjoy your ideal holiday destination in Naturns!

Highlights 2025
Events in Naturns
Alpenplus Ötzi Trailrun
Saturday 05 Apr
Alpenplus Ötzi Trailrun
On 05. april 2025 it's that time again: The Alpenplus Ötzi Trailrun opens the Naturno trailrun season: The Sonnenberg mountain of the Texel Group Nature Park offers perfect conditions! The ...
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Merano Flower Festival in Naturno
Saturday 12 Apr
09:00 - 17:00
Merano Flower Festival in Naturno
Flower Festival at Naturno. After a cold winter, we are all the more looking forward to spring: Nature is at full throttle, it begins to bloom, fragrance and sprout. The warming sun attracts ...
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Sunday 13 Apr
10:00 - 18:00
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Speck, Wine & Music
Friday 02 May
Main street 43
19:00 - 23:59
Speck, Wine & Music
A cozy get-together, good wine, South Tyrolean speck and great music - these are the ingredients for an enjoyable evening. Speck, Wine & Music..... as part of the South Tyrolean Speck Day in Naturno ...
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Naturno South Tyrolean Speck Day
Sunday 04 May
10:00 - 18:00
Naturno South Tyrolean Speck Day
On May 4 2025 Naturno invites you again to the South Tyrolean Bacon Day. Enjoy innovative bacon dishes in a great ambience: children's program, showcocking and music, as well as a small ...
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Naturno Mountain Huts Unplugged
Sunday 15 Jun
10:00 - 23:59
Naturno Mountain Huts Unplugged
Traditional Alpine folk music: reinterpreted by emerging South Tyrolean artists! On the majestic Nörderberg Mountain in Naturno/Naturns, the Alpine mountain hut season kicks off with a new music ...
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Night of Lights
Wednesday 09 Jul
18:00 - 23:59
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Night of Lights
Every Wednesday, the streets in the centre of Naturno become the scene of culinary delights. Artistic performances, great live bands and a colourful children’s programme ensure entertaining evenings. ...
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Beat on the street
Wednesday 06 Aug
20:00 - 23:59
+ more dates
Beat on the street
Live music evenings in the open air: this year, the popular concert series will once again take place on the Piazza Burggräfler in Naturno.
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«12» 13 items on 2 pages, displayed items 1-8
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Naturns  I  Naturno Naturns I Naturno Yesterday
Naturns  I  Naturno

🌟 Die Wartezeit ist endlich vorbei! 🌟

Der Alpenplus Ötzi Trailrun und der VIP Apple Kids Run stehen kurz bevor und wir können es kaum erwarten, gemeinsam mit euch durch die atemberaubende Bergwelt zu laufen! 🏃‍♂️🏞️

🔥 Für alle Trailrun-Liebhaber gibt es spannende Strecken, die euch bis an eure Grenzen bringen – aber mit einem Ausblick, der jedes Kilometer wert ist. 🌄💪

👟 VIP Apple Kids Run – die Kleinsten dürfen sich auf einen unvergesslichen Spaßlauf freuen! 🏅
Hier wird jedes Kind zum Helden!❤

🔜 Sei dabei, wenn es heißt: Laufen, Staunen und Genießen! 💥

📅 Wann? Diese Woche! (05.04.2025) 📍 Wo? (Zentrum von Naturns)

💥 Nachmeldungen sind auch am Renntag noch möglich!

👉 Melde dich jetzt an und sei Teil dieses unvergesslichen Erlebnisses!


🌟 L'attesa è finalmente finita! 🌟

Il Alpenplus Ötzi Trailrun e il VIP Apple Kids Run sono ormai alle porte e non vediamo l'ora di correre insieme a voi attraverso il panorama mozzafiato delle montagne! 🏃‍♂️🏞️

🔥 Per tutti gli appassionati di trail running, ci sono percorsi entusiasmanti che vi spingeranno oltre i vostri limiti – ma con una vista che rende ogni chilometro degno di essere vissuto. 🌄💪

👟 VIP Apple Kids Run – i più piccoli potranno godere di una corsa divertente e indimenticabile! 🏅
Qui ogni bambino sarà un eroe! ❤

🔜 Partecipa anche tu, quando si tratta di correre, meravigliarsi e divertirsi! 💥

📅 Quando? Questa settimana! (05.04.2025) 📍 Dove? (Centro di Naturno)

💥 Le iscrizioni sono possibili anche il giorno della gara!

👉 Iscriviti ora e diventa parte di questa esperienza indimenticabile!

📸: Tourismusgenossenschaft Naturns_Manuel Pazeller, Jonas Gufler, TheAdventurebakery

naturns_naturno naturns_naturno Yesterday

🌸 Spring in Naturns – Perfect for your next bike tour! 🚴‍

Spring is finally here, and there's no better time to explore Naturns and its beautiful surroundings on two wheels! 🌷🌞 Whether you prefer relaxing bike rides along the Etsch Cycle Path or challenging mountain bike trails in the nearby mountains – there's something for every level.🔥

Nature is coming back to life, flowers are blooming, and the sun is shining – the perfect backdrop for unforgettable biking experiences! 🌄

📸: Vinschgau Marketing_Patrick Schwienbacher

#naturns #naturno #springvibes #spring #biketour #flowerpower #trails #southtyrol #südtirol #frühling #fahrrad #fahrradtour #blumen #frühlingsgefühle #altoadige #primavera #inbici #fioriprimaverili #altoadigedavivere #altoadigedascoprire

Naturns  I  Naturno Naturns I Naturno 4 days ago
Naturns  I  Naturno

Wir sind bereit!!🔥 Nächste Woche ist es endlich soweit!❤


Siamo pronti!!🔥 La prossima settimana é finalmente arrivato il momento!❤

Naturns  I  Naturno Naturns I Naturno 4 days ago
Naturns  I  Naturno

🌸Wir sind bereit für den Frühling und ihr?🥰
Einfach traumhaft diese Bilder oder?😍

📸: Vinschgau Marketing_Patrick Schwienbacher


🌸Siamo pronti per la primavera e voi?🥰
Che meraviglia queste immagini, vero?😍

📸: Vinschgau Marketing_Patrick Schwienbacher

naturns_naturno naturns_naturno 5 days ago

Spring in Naturns is finally here!🌸
Naturns is shining in full bloom.💛
The village has been adorned with beautiful spring flowers 🌷, the sun ☀️ is shining, and we are filled with excitement!🥰

We are very excited to welcome you here.❤

📸: Tourism office Naturns

#naturns #naturno #spring #village #flowerpower #springtime #springvibes #beautiful #southtyrol #südtirol #frühling #frühlingsanfang #frühlingsblümen #bunteblumen #altoadige #primavera🌸 #fiori #primavera25 #altoadigedascoprire #altoadigedavivere

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