E-Bike tours around Naturno
Relaxed cycling around Naturno
E-Bike tours around Naturno
E-Bike tours around Naturno

Through Naturno via E-Bike

Relaxed cycling around Naturno

E-bikes are increasingly popular, even in Naturno/Naturns. This is hardly surprising, since they offer support to cyclists and tours are much less tiring when using them. Bikers can even take long rides into the countryside without physical exhaustion due to the comfortable support of the electric motor.

The Etschradroute cycle route, which follows the path of the ancient Via Claudia Augusta, is particularly recommended for extended e-bike tours around Naturno. Guests can hire e-bikes directly from the Ötzi Bike Academy in Naturno.
Naturno Bike Highline Meran/o Tour
Tour and trails
Naturno Bike Highline Meran/o Tour
Naturno – Kreuzbrünnl – Bike Highline Meran/o verso ovest – Malga Marzoner – rientro lungo la Highline fino al Lupo trail – Naturno (variante Fontana ...
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Brand Trail
Routes (also with e-bike), Tour and trails
Brand Trail
The access to the Brand trail is at the parking lot “Kreuzbrünnl” following the signposts “Uphill Naturnser Alm”. After about 1,5 km turning left ...
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Tour Monte Tramontana Naturno
Tour and trails
Tour Monte Tramontana Naturno
Con la navetta bike-shuttle al parcheggio Kreuzbrünnl – uphill malga Naturno fino al crocevia per la discesa Brand trail – maso Brand – Plon – ...
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Ötzi Flow Trail
Tour and trails
Ötzi Flow Trail
The Ötzi Flow Trail is the final stretch of the Ötzi Trail. While the Ötzi Trail is a constantly steep descent (S2-S3) from the Bike Highline ...
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Uphill Naturnser Alm
Tour and trails
Uphill Naturnser Alm
From the Etschbrücke bridge in Naturns, this classic Transalpine route leads along a pleasant slope with a moderate climb. The first 7.3 km are set ...
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Uphill Tablander Alm
Routes (also with e-bike), Tour and trails
Uphill Tablander Alm
From the Etschbrücke bridge in Tschars (Winkler Inn) the trail leads along a slight climb past various farms up to Tomberg and from there to the ...
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Uphill Aschbach
Routes (also with e-bike), Tour and trails
Uphill Aschbach
Starting point: Töll Etschbrücke bridge (525m) Destination point: Aschbach cableway mountain station (1,342m) After the start of the trail there ...
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Shuttle Naturno - parking lot Kreuzbrünnl (outward journey)
Monday 22 Jul
10:00 - 10:45
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Shuttle Naturno - parking lot Kreuzbrünnl (outward journey)
Shuttle to the Nörderberg mountain – parking lot Kreuzbrünnl: Not in the mood for the narrow and steep mountain roads in South Tyrol? Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday a shuttle bus will take you ...
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Shuttle parking lot Kreuzbrünnl - Naturno (return journey)
Monday 22 Jul
16:00 - 16:45
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Shuttle parking lot Kreuzbrünnl - Naturno (return journey)
After a wonderful hike on the Naturnser Nörderberg mountain, a shuttle minibus will bring you back to Naturno. The return journey must be booked separately. Limited booster seats for children are ...
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Bikeshuttle S. Martino/Val Passiria - Naturno
Monday 22 Jul
S. Martino Val Passiria
16:30 - 17:30
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Bikeshuttle S. Martino/Val Passiria - Naturno
From Naturno you cycle comfortably along the Adige cycle path to Merano. From the Thermenplatz square, head eastwards through the Elisabeth Park into the Passeier Valley. Mostly flat, with a slight ...
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Bikeshuttle to Glorenza or Curon/Lake of Resia
Tuesday 23 Jul
09:30 - 10:30
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Bikeshuttle to Glorenza or Curon/Lake of Resia
A bus will take you and your bike to Glorenza or Curon at the Lake Reschen. Cycle along the "Val Venosta bycicle path" back to Naturno and enjoy a unique view over the surrounding mountains. You can ...
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Shuttle Naturno - Schartegg/Monte Tramontana (outward journay)
Tuesday 23 Jul
10:00 - 11:00
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Shuttle Naturno - Schartegg/Monte Tramontana (outward journay)
Every Tuesday a shuttle takes you to the Schartegg car park on the Kastelbeller Nörderberg mountain. There is the starting point for wonderful hikes to the different alpine pastures. Mountain bikers ...
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Shuttle Schartegg/Monte Tramontana - Naturno (return journey)
Tuesday 23 Jul
16:00 - 17:00
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Shuttle Schartegg/Monte Tramontana - Naturno (return journey)
After a wonderful hike on the Nörderberg mountain, a shuttle bus will take you back to Naturno in comfort. Limited booster seats are available for children. Dogs are only transported on request and ...
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Bikeshuttle from Merano to Naturno
Friday 26 Jul
16:00 - 16:30
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Bikeshuttle from Merano to Naturno
Cycle from Naturno along the Adige cycle route through the beautiful Merano region: visit the famous market on the Place Prader in Merano or discover the surrounding villages with all their sights: ...
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naturns_naturno naturns_naturno 2 months ago

How about a bike tour to Merano?😍

Today's route takes us from Naturno to Merano, a perfect stretch for all cycling enthusiasts.🚴‍♀️ The path is lined next to the Adige with green meadows, fragrant orchards, and stunning mountains. It's a relaxed ride where you can truly unwind and enjoy the scenery. 🌄 Every Friday a shuttle bus takes you back from Merano to Naturno.🥰Register now!

So, what are you waiting for? Grab your bike and embark on this adventure! The route from Naturns to Merano is perfect for an unforgettable cycling tour. 🚴‍♂️🌍

#naturns #naturno #cycling #merano #enjoy #mountains #southtyrol #radfahren #etschradweg #fahrradtour #meran #südtirol #altoadige #bici #bicidacorsa

Naturns  I  Naturno Naturns I Naturno 2 months ago
Naturns  I  Naturno

🇩🇪: Wie wärs mit einem Ausflug zu der St. Prokulus Kirche?😍
Jeden Dienstag, Donnerstag und Sonntag hat das Kirchlein für euch geöffnet.💒

⏱Öffnungszeiten: 10.00-12.30 und 14.30-17.30

🇮🇹: Che ne dite di una gita alla chiesa di San Procolo?😍
La piccola chiesa è aperta ogni martedì, giovedì e domenica. 💒

⏱Orario di apertura: 10.00-12.30 e 14.30-17.30

naturns_naturno naturns_naturno 2 months ago


How many of you know where we are?🤔

#naturns #naturno #whataview #viewingpoint #cablecar #hiking #mountains #southtyrol #wanderparadies #berge #aussichtgenießen #plattform #südtirol #südtirolaltoadige

Naturns  I  Naturno Naturns I Naturno 2 months ago
Naturns  I  Naturno

Für das neue Naturparkhaus Texelgruppe in Naturns wurden einzigartige Ausstellungsobjekte geschaffen.🥳 Die Grundlage für einige davon boten Kinderzeichnungen. Kinder im Alter von 4-6 Jahren beschäftigten sich mit 4 einheimischen Tieren🦊 und malten und zeichneten sie. In der Sonderausstellung zeigen wir die Werke aller Kinder, die sich an diesem Projekt beteiligten. Wer findet die passenden Zeichnungen zu den im Naturparkhaus ausgestellten Tiermodellen?😍

Die Ausstellung geht noch bis zum 30. November 2024!⏱
Naturparks Südtirol / Parchi naturali Alto Adige


Per il nuovo Centro visite del Parco naturale Gruppo di Tessa a Naturno sono stati creati oggetti espositivi unici, di cui alcuni sono basati sui disegni dei bambini.🥳 I bambini tra 4 e 6 anni si sono concentrati su 4 animali🦊 locali e li hanno dipinti e disegnati. Nella mostra speciale sono esposti i lavori di tutti i bambini che hanno partecipato a questo progetto. Chi riesce a trovare i disegni corrispondenti ai modelli di animali esposti nel centro visite?😍

La mostra resterà aperta fino al 30 novembre 2024!⏱

naturns_naturno naturns_naturno 2 months ago

About our hike to the Wallburgboden circuit!☀️
Definitely one of our favourite trails❤️

In the second picture you can even see the remains of the original irrigation channels of Naturno, which has now been undermined.😍 How many of you have already visited the Wallburgboden circuit?🥳

#naturns #naturno #hiking #whataview #southtyrol #wanderliebe #aussichtgenießen #wanderwege #genießen #südtirol #altoadige

Naturns  I  Naturno Naturns I Naturno 2 months ago
Naturns  I  Naturno

🇩🇪: Wie wärs am heutigen Samstag mit Trailrunning am Naturnser Sonnenberg?🤩🔥
Gestartet wird am Rathausplatz in Naturns, wo der erste Kilometer durch das Dorf Naturns und weiter bis zum Einstieg des Trails gelaufen wird.🏃 Sobald man den Einstieg des Trails erreicht hat, läuft man einen teils steilen Anstieg auf dem Weg Nr. 6 in Richtung Grubhof hoch. Weiter geht es auf dem Meraner Höhenweg Nr. 24☀ über eine Hängebrücke bis zum Galmeinhof, weiter bis zum Innerforch Hof, wo kurz danach der Meraner Höhenweg verlassen wird und ein langer Abstieg von ca. 750hm nach Naturns folgt.⬇️

Also worauf wartet ihr? Laufschuhe an und los geht´s!🥰

PS: Es erwartet euch eine traumhafte Aussicht!😉


🇮🇹: Che ne dite di fare trailrunning sul Monte Sole di Naturno questo sabato?🤩🔥
Si parte dalla piazza del municipio di Naturno, dove si fa il primo chilometro attraverso il paese di Naturno fino all'inizio del trail.🏃 Appena raggiunto l'inizio del trail, si percorre una salita in parte ripida sul sentiero n. 6 in direzione Grubhof. Si prosegue lungo l'Alta Via di Merano n. 24☀ attraverso un ponte sospeso fino al maso Galmeinhof, poi fino al maso Innerforch, dove poco dopo si lascia l'Alta Via di Merano e si percorre una lunga discesa di circa 750 metri fino a Naturno.⬇️

Cosa aspettate? Indossate le scarpe da corsa e partite!🥰

PS: Una vista fantastica vi aspetta!😉

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