Juval Castle in Naturno, Italy
Juval is the summer residence of famous mountaineer Reinhold Messner
Juval Castle in Naturno, Italy

Juval Castle in Naturno, Italy

Juval is the summer residence of famous mountaineer Reinhold Messner

The medieval complex of Juval Castle, one of the first Reinhold Messner museums, stands above the narrow Schnalstal Valley gorge near Naturno and was built by Hugo von Montalban around 1278 on a prehistoric settlement site. Since 1983 it has been owned by the extreme mountaineer Reinhold Messner and is today the seat of one of the six Messner Mountain Museums, all of which have dedicated themselves to a different theme. 

The permanent exhibition in Juval Castle is dedicated to the myth of the mountain. Here visitors will find an impressive collection of tibetica, various masks from five continents, an extensive adventure library, the unique exposition on Gesar Ling, as well as Renaissance frescoes
Reinhold Messner's expedition cellar and an exhibition of pictures of the sacred mountains of the world are also part of the varied exhibition. Trained personnel accompany visitors through the various rooms of the castle and bring the stories of the individual exhibits closer. 

In addition to the Reinhold Messner Museum with all the exhibitions in the castle, there is a small mountain animal park on the castle hill, the Schlosswirt inn offers farm products, the Unterortl winery produces excellent wines and at the foot of the mountain can be bought local products in the Vinschger Bauernladen (=farm shop). 

Reinhold Messner

The extreme mountaineer, book author and ex-politician was born in 1944 and has made more than 100 expeditions to mountains and deserts all over the world since 1969. He has achieved many first ascents - including the crossing of Antarctica, the Gobi and Takla Makan deserts and the longitudinal crossing of Greenland. In recent years Reinhold Messner has dedicated himself to the foundation of various museums in South Tyrol and to cultural and political activities.


10 a.m. – 5 p.m.from the fourth Sunday of March to the first Sunday in November 
Wednesday closed!
Opened also in July & August

+39 0471 631264 or juval@messner-mountain-museum.it

Shuttle to the juval castle

As there are no parking facilities near Juval Castle, please use the shuttle bus or walk.
The shuttle bus departs daily except Wednesdays from the parking lot in front of the "Vinschger Bauernladen" to the "Schlosswirt". From there it takes about 15 minutes to reach the castle.

Castle Juval near Naturno
"I have dedicated a museum project to the mountain and its culture with six unusual locations in the magnificent landscape of South Tyrol and Belluno. The Messner Mountain Museum is a meeting place with the mountain, with mountain people and ultimately with ourselves." (Reinhold Messner)

MMM Firmian: "The Enchanted Mountain"
The exhibition in the MMM Firmian at Sigmundskron Castle near Bolzano focuses on the conflict between man and the mountain.
Open from the 3rd Sunday in March to the 2nd Sunday in November from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., last admission at 5 p.m.
Closed on Thursday.

MMM Ortles: "In the end of the world"
The MMM Ortles in Sulden is located underground and is dedicated to the topic of ice and glacier worlds.
Open from the 2nd Sunday in December to the 1st May and from the 4th Sunday in May to the 2nd Sunday in October from 14 - 18 h and from 13 - 18 h (July and August), last admission at 17.30 h. Closed on Tuesday.

MMM Ripa: "The heritage of the mountains"
The MMM Ripa at Bruneck Castle is dedicated to the mountain people from all over the world - Asia, Africa, South America and Europe - as well as their culture, religion and tourism.
Open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. from the 2nd Sunday in May to 1st November and from 12 p.m. to 6 p.m. from 7th December to 25th April (closed on 24 and 25 December). Closed on Tuesday.

MMM Corones: "Traditional Alpinism"
The museum located on the Kronplatz is dedicated to the supreme discipline of mountaineering - alpinism.
It is open from the 1st Saturday in June to the 2nd Sunday in October and from the end of November to mid-April (according to the opening hours of the cable car) from 10 to 16 o'clock. No closing day.

MMM Dolomites: "The museum in the clouds"
With impressive views of spectacular Dolomite peaks, the MMM Dolomites is located on the Monte Rite summit plateau and focuses with the subject of rock.
Open from 1st June to 30th September from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. in June and from mid September, snd from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. from July to mid September. No closing day.
Magdalena & Simon
The children of Reinhold Messner
Magdalena & Simon
Vinschger Bauernladen
Vinschger Bauernladen
At the Vinschger Bauernladen you will find traditional things from South Tyrol and Vinschgau Valley.
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Wine estate Castel Juval Unterortl
Wine estate Castel Juval Unterortl
Winery & Distillery Unterortl - Castel Juval The farm winery Unterortl is situated on the Juval hill, in the lower Vinschgau valley near Naturno. Vision and ...
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Naturns  I  Naturno Naturns I Naturno 6 days ago
Naturns  I  Naturno

🇩🇪: Wer von euch kennt eine weit bekannte Tradition hier in Südtirol?🙊
Das Goaßlschnöllen ist eine Volkskunst, die sich um das Erzeugen von beeindruckenden Knallgeräuschen mithilfe von speziell gefertigten Peitschen, den sogenannten "Goaßln," dreht.🤩 Diese Peitschen bestehen aus einem langen, dünnen Stiel und einem kurzen, dicken Ende. In diesem dicken Ende sind oft Metallteile eingearbeitet, die beim Schwingen der Peitsche für das charakteristische Knallgeräusch sorgen.💣 Die Geschichte des Goaßlschnöllens in Südtirol reicht Jahrhunderte zurück und hat ihre Wurzeln in bäuerlichen Gemeinschaften. 🥰

Früher nutzten die Bauern🧑‍🌾das "Goaßlschnöllen" zum verständigen, Vieh🐮 zu treiben und Raubtiere zu vertreiben.


🇮🇹: Qualcuno di voi conosce una tradizione molto conosciuta qui in Alto Adige?🙊
È un'arte popolare che ruota attorno alla produzione di suoni impressionanti con l'aiuto di fruste chiamate "Goaßln".🤩Queste fruste sono composte da un manico lungo e sottile e da una estremità corta e spessa. In questa estremità spessa sono incorporate parti metalliche che, durante il movimento della frusta, creano il caratteristico suono dischiocco.💣La storia del " Goaßlschnöllen" nell'Alto Adige risale a secoli fa e ha le sue radici nelle comunità contadine.🥰

Prima i contadini🧑‍🌾 utilizzavano il "Goaßlschnöllen" per comunicare, radunare il bestiame🐮 e respingere i predatori.

naturns_naturno naturns_naturno 7 days ago

🅽🅴🆆: Did you know that for the first time this year we are offering a shuttle service from the Passeiertal Valley to Naturno?😍

Every Monday a shuttle minibus takes you and your bike🚴 back to Naturno at 16:30!🌞 (registration required)

Route description: From Naturno you cycle comfortably along the Adige Cycle Path to the spa town of Merano.🌸 From the Thermenplatz square, the route heads east through Elisabeth Park towards the Passeiertal valley. Mostly flat and with a slight incline, you can enjoy the wonderful landscape along the Passeier cycle path (19km).💛
Meeting point is at 16:20 at the tennis court🎾in St. Martin!

#naturns #naturno #bike #enjoingtheview #cycling #shuttle #adventure #outdoor #southtyrol #fahrrad #passeiertal #draußenzuhause #fahrradausflug #genießen #altoadige #altoadigedascoprire #altoadigedavisitare

Naturns  I  Naturno Naturns I Naturno 8 days ago
Naturns  I  Naturno

🇩🇪: Entlang von historischen Bewässerungskanälen (Bild 1) gelangt man zu einem leicht erreichbaren, sehr lohnenswerten Aussichtspunkt oberhalb von Naturns, dem Wallburgboden.🥰

Routenbeschreibung: Naturns – Panoramaweg – Wiedenplatzerkeller – Wallburgweg –Wallburgboden – Schwalbennest – Naturns

⏱Dauer Rundwanderung: 2:30 Std.


🇮🇹: Seguendo gli antichi canali d’irrigazione si arriva a un punto panoramico splendido e facilmente raggiungibile sopra il paese di Naturno.🥰

Descrizione del percorso: Naturno – sentiero panoramico – ristorante Wiedenplatzer Keller – sentiero Wallburgweg – Wallburgboden – ristoro Schwalbennest – Naturno

⏱Durata escursione circolare: 2:30

naturns_naturno naturns_naturno 9 days ago

🥾In addition to the well-known Merano High Mountain Trail, there is also the Venosta Valley High Mountain Trail, which starts from the Adige river source at the Resia Pass until Stava in the Lower Venosta Valley.🥾The rich and varied vegetation of the Sonnenberg mountian and the splendid panoramic views make the journey a unique experience.❤️

⏱Duration: 5 daily stages
Length: 180 km
❗️Degree of difficulty: experienced hikers

#naturns #naturno #hiking #mountains #whataview #enjoingtheview #mountainlover #outdoor #berge #aussichtgenießen #wanderliebe #naturpur #genießen #altoadige #montagna #escursioni

Naturns  I  Naturno Naturns I Naturno 10 days ago
Naturns  I  Naturno

🇩🇪: Wer von euch kennt das traditionelle Kartenspiel "Watten"?🥰
In der Regel wird das Kartenspiel mit 33 Karten (inkl. Welli) gespielt. Ziel ist es, möglichst viele Punkte zu erzielen, indem man die meisten Runden gewinnt.🥳 Das Spiel wird normalerweise von vier Personen in zwei Teams gespielt.👫


🇮🇹: Quanti di voi conoscono il tradizionale gioco di carte "Watten"?🥰
Solitamente si gioca con 33 carte (inclusa la carta chiamata "Welli"). L'obiettivo del gioco è accumulare il maggior numero di punti vincendo il maggior numero di turni.🥳 Il gioco è di solito disputato da quattro persone divise in due squadre.👫

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