Thermal village near Merano

Spring in Naturno

Where spring begins earlier

The event series "Merano Spring" pays homage to the beauty of nature in Merano and its surroundings:
In this time of awakening spring, when nature emerges from its winter slumber, the first colorful flowers bloom, and the warming rays of the sun invite to relaxed walks and hikes. Naturno, nestled at the foot of the Texel Group Nature Park, opens its doors to festivals, markets, and special events.

The magnificent gardens of Trauttmansdorff Castle once again invite to leisurely strolls through their diverse and colorful gardens. The apple blossom transforms the surroundings into a sea of white and pink, while the Merano Spring in Merano impresses with artistic flower installations and plant figures.

For adventurous and nature-loving families who want to experience spring in all its glory, Naturno, located at the foot of the Texel Group Nature Park, is the ideal destination. Thanks to the Sonnenberg (=sunny mountain), the region offers year-round hiking opportunities—a paradise for outdoor enthusiasts enchanted by the mild spring air and the impressive landscape. From leisurely strolls to challenging hikes, there is something for every explorer.

Naturno also offers thrills for adventure seekers with a variety of exciting activities. An absolute highlight is the via ferrata "Knott"  above the Unterstell cable car station. Here, even families can gain their first climbing experiences. The climbing path ends at the Unterstell viewing platform: a 16-meter-long and 50-meter-high steel structure that provides breathtaking panoramic views for those without vertigo!

In the valley, visitors can explore the newly opened Nature Park House, where children and adults can interactively discover everything worth knowing about the nature and inhabitants of the Texel Group Nature Park. A family-friendly bike tour along the Via Claudia Augusta or a hike along the irrigation channel paths offer additional active experiences.
After an active day outdoors, visitors can relax at the Therms of Naturno, where thermal water aids in regeneration, alleviates discomfort, and has a calming effect.

Spring in Naturno offers not only natural experiences but also entertainment. Don't miss the Spring Festival on March 23, which marks the beginning of the season and welcomes spring with a special focus on gardens, decorations, handmade goods, and local products. Traditional South Tyrolean "Goaßlschnöller" whip crackers and "Schuhplattler" dancers bring the tradition to life, while the farmers pamper with delicious dishes!

Experience the magic of spring in Naturno and be inspired by the variety of activities and events. Enjoy nature, explore new paths, and immerse yourself in the culture and culinary delights of this enchanting South Tyrolean region.
Spring in the spa town of Merano
Spring in Naturno is an experience for all the senses
The spring events in Naturno


After a cold winter, we look forward to spring all the more: nature goes full throttle, it begins to blossom, smell and sprout. The warming sun attracts colourful flowers and bright buds. In Naturno we welcome spring with our spring festival. Local farmers invite you to taste their products, gardeners present their decorations and spring flowers, craftsmen sell their products made with love. The farmers' wives feed visitors with local specialities and a band frames the festival with traditional music.


The day after the spring festival we open the hiking season on the Monte Sole/Sonnenberg. Due to the sunny location, the mountain season in Naturno starts earlier than elsewhere. Together with the mountain farmers we celebrate the new season on the Merano High Trail, on this day the Unterstell cable car can be used at a reduced price and the mountain farmers give rare insights into their lives, traditions and everyday life. Another highlight is the culinary offer: the mountain huts will spoil you with tasty dishes from the region.
All spring highlights at a glance
Yoga outdoors
Tuesday 02 Jul
09:00 - 10:15
+ more dates
Yoga outdoors
During a prana-vinyasa yoga class with physiotherapist and yoga teacher Maria Gögele, you will flow trough all the asanas with your breath and thereby mobilize, strengthen and stretch your body. ...
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Thermal water hiking tour on the Juval castle hill
Thursday 04 Jul
09:45 - 13:45
+ more dates
Thermal water hiking tour on the Juval castle hill
We cordially invite you to join us on an unforgettable hike along the old irrigation channels - the "Waalwege". This hike promises not only breathtaking landscapes, but also insights into the history ...
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Book your flight with Sky Alps,
the South Tyrolean airline
Book your airport transfer
Book your airport transfer from Bolzano/Bozen directly to your accommodation in Naturns/Plaus here. The price per person and drive is €20 and must be paid directly to the driver in cash.
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for your spring holiday here
Spring in Naturno
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Naturns  I  Naturno Naturns I Naturno 16 days ago
Naturns  I  Naturno

Für das neue Naturparkhaus Texelgruppe in Naturns wurden einzigartige Ausstellungsobjekte geschaffen.🥳 Die Grundlage für einige davon boten Kinderzeichnungen. Kinder im Alter von 4-6 Jahren beschäftigten sich mit 4 einheimischen Tieren🦊 und malten und zeichneten sie. In der Sonderausstellung zeigen wir die Werke aller Kinder, die sich an diesem Projekt beteiligten. Wer findet die passenden Zeichnungen zu den im Naturparkhaus ausgestellten Tiermodellen?😍

Die Ausstellung geht noch bis zum 30. November 2024!⏱
Naturparks Südtirol / Parchi naturali Alto Adige


Per il nuovo Centro visite del Parco naturale Gruppo di Tessa a Naturno sono stati creati oggetti espositivi unici, di cui alcuni sono basati sui disegni dei bambini.🥳 I bambini tra 4 e 6 anni si sono concentrati su 4 animali🦊 locali e li hanno dipinti e disegnati. Nella mostra speciale sono esposti i lavori di tutti i bambini che hanno partecipato a questo progetto. Chi riesce a trovare i disegni corrispondenti ai modelli di animali esposti nel centro visite?😍

La mostra resterà aperta fino al 30 novembre 2024!⏱

naturns_naturno naturns_naturno 17 days ago

About our hike to the Wallburgboden circuit!☀️
Definitely one of our favourite trails❤️

In the second picture you can even see the remains of the original irrigation channels of Naturno, which has now been undermined.😍 How many of you have already visited the Wallburgboden circuit?🥳

#naturns #naturno #hiking #whataview #southtyrol #wanderliebe #aussichtgenießen #wanderwege #genießen #südtirol #altoadige

Naturns  I  Naturno Naturns I Naturno 18 days ago
Naturns  I  Naturno

🇩🇪: Wie wärs am heutigen Samstag mit Trailrunning am Naturnser Sonnenberg?🤩🔥
Gestartet wird am Rathausplatz in Naturns, wo der erste Kilometer durch das Dorf Naturns und weiter bis zum Einstieg des Trails gelaufen wird.🏃 Sobald man den Einstieg des Trails erreicht hat, läuft man einen teils steilen Anstieg auf dem Weg Nr. 6 in Richtung Grubhof hoch. Weiter geht es auf dem Meraner Höhenweg Nr. 24☀ über eine Hängebrücke bis zum Galmeinhof, weiter bis zum Innerforch Hof, wo kurz danach der Meraner Höhenweg verlassen wird und ein langer Abstieg von ca. 750hm nach Naturns folgt.⬇️

Also worauf wartet ihr? Laufschuhe an und los geht´s!🥰

PS: Es erwartet euch eine traumhafte Aussicht!😉


🇮🇹: Che ne dite di fare trailrunning sul Monte Sole di Naturno questo sabato?🤩🔥
Si parte dalla piazza del municipio di Naturno, dove si fa il primo chilometro attraverso il paese di Naturno fino all'inizio del trail.🏃 Appena raggiunto l'inizio del trail, si percorre una salita in parte ripida sul sentiero n. 6 in direzione Grubhof. Si prosegue lungo l'Alta Via di Merano n. 24☀ attraverso un ponte sospeso fino al maso Galmeinhof, poi fino al maso Innerforch, dove poco dopo si lascia l'Alta Via di Merano e si percorre una lunga discesa di circa 750 metri fino a Naturno.⬇️

Cosa aspettate? Indossate le scarpe da corsa e partite!🥰

PS: Una vista fantastica vi aspetta!😉

naturns_naturno naturns_naturno 20 days ago

💙The summer season of the Alpin Arena Schnals finally starts on 𝟮𝟵.𝟬𝟲.𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟰!💙
Lots of highlights are waiting for you!🥰


and much more...😍

#naturns #naturno #alpinarenaschnals #summeradventure #mountaincars #hiking #climbing #cablecar #klettererlebnis #wandern #Sommererlebnis #cabrio #schnalstal

Naturns  I  Naturno Naturns I Naturno 21 days ago
Naturns  I  Naturno

🇩🇪: Wir stellen vor:
🌲Die Almen am Naturnser Nörderberg🌲
1. Mausloch Alm 1.835m
2. Naturnser Alm 1.922m
3. Tablander Alm 1.751m

Was ist eure Lieblingsalm in Naturns?🥰

❗️Achtung: Die Zetn Alm bleibt im Jahr 2024 voraussichtlich geschlossen.❗️
🇮🇹: Presentazione:
🌲 Le malghe sul monte Tramontana di Naturno🌲
1. Malga Mausloch 1.835 m
2. Malga di Naturno 1.922 m
3. Malga di Tablá 1.751 m

Qual è la vostra malga preferita a Naturno?🥰

❗️Attenzione: La malga Zetn rimane chiusa nel 2024.❗️

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