Discover the key figures who will enrich the 3rd International Congress of the Merano Tree Days, scheduled from 16th to 18th June 2025 at the Kurhaus in Merano.

The congress is a unique opportunity for dialogue between science and the public, featuring international experts under the scientific coordination of agronomist Daniele Zanzi. Like the roots that support a tree, these speakers bring with them solid experience and a deep commitment to the protection of the world’s green heritage. With the contribution of researchers, we will explore topics that weave together the knowledge of trees and our everyday lives.

An opportunity to grow together, just like people and trees in Merano.
Paolo Viskanic

Paolo Viskanic, an agronomist based in Merano, is the proprietor of R3GIS and a specialist in Geographic Information Systems (GIS), with more than 25 years of experience applying these systems in a wide range of projects in Africa and Europe. After completing his degree in tropical and subtropical agriculture in Florence, he devoted 15 years to projects for the UN, the World Bank, and the EU in Eastern Africa and Eastern Europe. His primary focus has been on the management of information and databases aimed at conserving biodiversity and other natural resources. During his academic and professional international engagements, he developed deep expertise in geodata and databases, subsequently using this knowledge to deliver innovative services via R3 GIS S.r.l. to public administrations and private clients in Italy, Austria, Switzerland, and Poland.
Giovanni Morelli

Giovanni Morelli, an agronomist and arborist, is the owner of Studio Progetto Verde and has been practicing independently since 1994. He heads a team of expert technicians who, over the years, have handled both the evaluation of tree stability and the provision of specialized consultancy in urban arboriculture, ornamental and forest greenery, as well as historic green spaces. By applying the principles of morphophysiology and tree architecture, his team has analyzed and examined about one million trees. Recognized as one of Italy’s and Europe’s foremost experts on pines, Morelli has particularly dedicated several publications and public lectures to pines. He has authored numerous articles in Italian and foreign professional journals, participated in the creation of the Manual for the Management of Monumental Trees for the Emilia Romagna Region, and teaches in specialized courses and master’s programs at the university, including the Master’s program in Landscape Architecture at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Venice.
William Moomaw

William Moomaw is a Professor of International Environmental Policy at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, where he is the Founding Director of both the Center for International Environment and Resource Policy and the Tufts Climate Initiative, as well as a co-founder of the Global Development and Environment Institute. His key publications deal primarily with climate change. He acted as the coordinating lead author for the IPCC’s 2001 chapter on greenhouse gas emission reduction and for the Special Report on Renewable Energy in 2010, and he was the lead author on three other IPCC reports (in 1995, 2005, and 2007). The IPCC’s work was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007. Presently, William sits on the board of The Climate Group, Clean Air-Cool Planet (which he co-founded), Earthwatch Institute, and the Center for Ecological Technologies, and he serves as a member of the EPA’s Scientific Advisory Board for Integrated Nitrogen Management.
Kenton Rogers

Kenton Rogers, the CEO of Treeconomics, is dedicated to studying trees in urban environments. The forestry expert has written numerous articles and academic papers on the significance of trees and their benefits for cities; he spearheaded the first assessment of urban forests in the United Kingdom and presented his arguments to the British government, the World Bank, and UNECE. Additionally, Kenton is the author of the chapter on urban areas in the UK's National Ecosystem Assessment and of the Springer Handbook "The Urban Forest." He also wrote the Haynes Handbook "Home Owners Tree Manual."
Claudia Canedoli

A researcher at the University of Milan-Bicocca in the field of ecology and biodiversity conservation, she founded the BioTreeVersity project to explore the biodiversity linked to trees. Her primary research areas include the evaluation and mapping of terrestrial ecosystem services, considering both conservation areas and urban landscapes. Moreover, she investigates core ecological topics, with a special emphasis on the interplay between biophysical structures and biodiversity in influencing ecosystem performance.
Ugo Corrieri

Ugo Corrieri is a medical doctor and board member of ISDE – the International Society of Doctors for the Environment. As a psychiatrist and psychotherapist, he served as head of the psychiatric department in Grosseto and was a co-founder of the Tuscan Psychiatrists Association (Coordinamento Psichiatri Toscani). He later directed the addiction disorders division in Grosseto. With specializations in tropical medicine and tropical surgery, he worked as a volunteer in Africa. Since retiring from the Italian Health Service (ASL) in 2016, he has been teaching at the Roman School of Family Psychotherapy based in Rome and acting as the medical director of a psychiatric institution in Umbria. He remains a board member of ISDE, frequently gives lectures, and has authored numerous scientific articles on the beneficial impacts of green spaces.
Mark Rotteveel

Mark Rotteveel works as an agricultural technician at the Dutch company Pius Floris Boomverzorging. As the driving force behind the Tree-Tag initiative, he organized the latest edition of this campaign dedicated to trees, engaging 9 European countries and featuring over 700 trees. Moreover, he specializes in circular water systems, exploring ecological strategies for building green and healthy cities in which green spaces flourish thanks to a secured water supply.
Ana Macias

Ana Macias, holding a PhD in Forestry, is an expert in urban forestry. She founded Arbocity, an organization committed to spreading awareness of the advantages of trees in urban settings. She works as a researcher and lecturer with the EcoGesFor group at the Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM). Additionally, she is a member of the Collaborative for Advance Landscape Planning (CALP) research group at the University of British Columbia. Her ongoing research examines the capacity of urban trees to alleviate climate change, focusing on the modeling and measurement of the ecosystem services provided by urban forests.
Marco Dinetti (LIPU)

Marco Dinetti is the Head of Urban Ecology at the Italian League for the Protection of Birds (LIPU) and the Scientific Director of the journal "Ecologia Urbana". He has written hundreds of scholarly and popular articles on subjects including urban birds, the ecological design of infrastructure, and urban green space management, as well as around twenty books, such as "Progettazione e cura del Giardino Naturale" (La Casa Verde), "Infrastrutture ecologiche" (Il Verde editoriale), "Biodiversità urbana" (Bandecchi & Vivaldi), and "Progettazione ecologica delle infrastrutture di trasporto" (Felici editore). His most recent project is the upcoming publication of "Verde urbano: gestione ecologica. Manuale di progettazione e cura di parchi, giardini e reti ecologiche nelle città" (Bandecchi & Vivaldi). He has long supported conferences on urban ecology and has acted as a keynote speaker at seminars organized by public authorities, universities, and professional organizations. He is currently a member of the PEFC working group dedicated to the sustainable management of urban green spaces.
Lothar Wessolly

Lothar Wessolly obtained his PhD in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Stuttgart, yet since the 1990s he has dedicated himself solely to tree structural analysis, during which he developed the SIM method (Static Integrated Method) for tensile tests. He operates an engineering and appraisal office in Stuttgart. Over the years, he has performed over 12,000 stability assessments throughout Europe with the SIM method, consistently striving to save as many trees as possible.
Martin Tuser

Martin Tuser is an inventor, entrepreneur, and the chairman of the new NGO Urban Tree Offset Initiative, which has developed and currently manages a patented program designed to offset the carbon emissions of urban trees. His work focuses on addressing climate change, adapting urban environments to its challenges, enhancing the ecosystem services of trees, and fostering the conservation of large urban trees. Martin regularly delivers keynote speaches at international conferences and hosts webinars for professionals and the broader community to further these objectives. His latest patent, TREEIB®, is an innovative technique for irrigating large trees.
Monica Castiglioni

Monica Castiglioni, a PhD-qualified agricultural engineer, has been part of Fito-Consult’s technical team in Varese since 2001. This top-tier environment has allowed her to develop significant expertise in tree care and, in particular, in evaluating tree stability, having operated in various public and private contexts across Italy. She employs cutting-edge, highly accurate, and specialized techniques and instruments – such as acoustic tomography, which she has been using since 2002. Additionally, she is a qualified technician for the SIM method (Static Integrated Method) and is affiliated with the international expert group SIM-Gruppe.
Fabrizio Fronza

Fabrizio Fronza is the curator of the thermal parks in Levico and Roncegno, overseeing maintenance along with cultural and educational initiatives. As a planner and construction manager for the Autonomous Province of Trento, he works on urban and historical green spaces, landscapes, gardens, and cultural heritage. Since May 2021, he has held the position of deputy head of the Technical Office of the Employment Promotion and Environmental Improvement Service for the Autonomous Province of Trento. As a technician for the province, he has played a key role in the restoration of Roncegno’s historic park, Levico’s historic park, the compendium of the former psychiatric clinic in Pergine Valsugana, and is currently working on the historic garden of Villa Angerer in Arco. He also participates in assignments for ETT (European Tree Technician) certifications. In 1991–1992, he contributed to environmental projects in South America (in the Chaco region, Argentina) and participated in a cooperation project in Mozambique (Chimoio). In 1986, he worked in the field of agricultural vocational training for IRFATA in Bologna.
Simona Bertini

Simona Bertini is a citizen who, like many artists (she is an opera singer with a 25-year career in theater and still performs in concerts and teaches), is highly receptive to the wonders of nature, particularly trees. In 2020, she established the Tree Committee Viale IV Novembre in EMPOLI, Florence, to safeguard 44 historic trees that the municipality planned to cut down with only nine days’ notice, following a mainly visual inspection. After a prolonged struggle, the committee succeeded in getting the trees properly examined, ultimately saving more than half of them (which, five years after the court ruling, show no signs of failure). Throughout these years of commitment, meticulous study of legislation, and a series of actions – including demonstrations, petitions, warnings, and complaints – she found herself among many others in similar circumstances. Some of these individuals have been fighting for years and thus require all the information and support they can get. Together with several of them, she formed a small, very active, and cooperative group that, in September 2024, evolved into ONDA (Organismo Nazionale Difesa Alberi – National Organization for the Defense of Trees). This organization coordinates the numerous efforts scattered across the country, aiming not only to spread the information needed to oppose many dubious green maintenance measures but also to establish a robust and extensive base among citizens and professionals to demand enhanced protection for the tree heritage.
Andrea Balestrini

Andrea Balestrini is a landscape architect who studied at the Polytechnic University of Milan and the University of Stuttgart. While studying, he expanded his knowledge in landscape planning, focusing on green infrastructure and sustainable urban drainage systems in an international setting – for instance, in Lima, the capital of Peru, where he took part in a research initiative on city parks. Throughout his career, he obtained a diploma in tree breeding from the "Scuola Agraria del Parco di Monza", completed the Sustainable Development Consulting course at the Terra Institute, and pursued a Master’s in Europlanning at the Europa Business School. Since 2014, Andrea has been with the LAND Group, where he currently serves as Research Director at the LAND Research Lab, a think tank dedicated to landscape research and innovation; and since 2015, he has been a member of the international network Guiding Architects. Since 2023, he has been working as an ecological consultant for the municipality of Merano as part of the European project JustNature, and since 2024 he has been teaching in the Master’s program Digital Urban Landscapes at the Institute of Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (IAAC).