Wine Ambassador 2018
Award ceremony of the WineCulture Marling
Wine Ambassador 2018

Wine Ambassador 2018

Award ceremony of the WineCulture Marling

During a ceremony and subsequent dinner on Thursday at the Vinum-Hotel Oberwirt in Marling, the "WineCultureAmbassador" award was presented for the first time to the renowned cellar master Hans Terzer.

"As a Wine Culture Ambassador, Hans Terzer embodies the extraordinary commitment to the prestige of South Tyrolean wine and, through his achievements, has strengthened and further developed the traditional and multifaceted world of wine in our region," said jury member Sebastian Marseiler in his laudation. Representing the WineCulture Marling, which initiated this annual award, Mayor Walter Mairhofer presented the honoree with a plaque designed by Laurin Kofler, inspired by the staves of a wine barrel. Congratulations and greetings were also extended by Provincial Councilor Arnold Schuler, who attended the celebration alongside former Bavarian Minister Helmut Brunner.

Biography of Hans Terzer:
Hans Terzer, born in Bolzano and raised in Entiklar near Kurtatsch, began his apprenticeship with Herbert Tiefenbrunner. He continued his training at Laimburg, where he also worked as a cellar master. Thanks to his teacher Ander Weiss, he became cellar master of the St. Michael-Eppan cooperative winery at just 21 years old. His work as a cellar master has been pioneering for South Tyrolean wine culture. This includes the introduction of temperature control in cellars, a commitment to absolute quality and quantity reduction, and the production of clean wines. He deliberately focused on white wines and established the successful Sanct Valentin line. Numerous awards followed, including the first Gambero Rosso 3 Glasses award for his Sauvignon Sanct Valentin in 1994, an accolade he went on to receive 18 more times. Another groundbreaking aspect of Terzer’s work is his policy on vineyard locations, which he consistently implements with winegrowers, earning further recognition, such as in 1997 when he was named one of the ten most promising cellar masters of the century: "Hans, il perfezionista" (Gambero Rosso). In 2000, St. Michael-Eppan was named "Winery of the Year." For years, he served as the knowledgeable president of South Tyrol’s cellar masters. The crowning achievement came in 2017 when Germany’s leading lifestyle magazine honored him with a lifetime achievement award.
However, Hans Terzer continues to innovate, creating outstanding red wines. With the new premium line Appius, he introduced a signature cuvée and his personal dream wine. But Hans Terzer keeps dreaming and has much more to accomplish.

For now, he can enjoy the title of WineCultureAmbassador of Marling. His contributions have significantly shaped South Tyrolean wine culture, strengthening it both within the region and beyond its borders. The expert jury that selected Hans Terzer as South Tyrol’s Wine Culture Ambassador of 2018 included author and cultural mediator Sebastian Marseiler, the creator and organizer of the Merano Wine Festival Helmuth Köcher, the president of the South Tyrolean Sommelier Association Christine Mayr, wine journalist Heike Platter, and IDM’s marketing director Thomas Aichner.

About WineCulture Marling:
In Marling, a focus has been placed on centuries-old traditions, and in recent years, numerous initiatives and a growing number of wineries and distilleries have emerged. This led to the establishment of an annual award in 2018 to honor a personality whose work and dedication strengthen the wine culture of the region and represent it as an ambassador beyond local borders.
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📸 IDM Südtirol-Alto Adige/Marion Lafogler

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🍷 Winemaker Portrait: Erwin Eccli - Pardellerhof winery 🍇

Their wines are the result of genuine craftsmanship.
With attention to detail and a flair for quality, their craftsmanship is reflected in every drop.

🌱 Which grape varieties?
“We love all varieties!” Variety is our strength.
🍷 Must-try?
Pratellum - a wine that is unique every year. Sometimes from one, sometimes from several grape varieties, it can be produced using special processes or have special characteristics.
🌞 What makes Marling wine unique?
Marling wines combine ideal sun exposure, cool evening temperatures and mineral soils to create a fruity, lively and characterful interpretation of the South Tyrolean wine world.
✂️ Favorite job in the vineyard?
I love listening to podcasts while pruning and switching off from other commitments.
✨ Most exciting moment of the year?
The grape harvest - stressful, but also the best moment of the year. This is when the outcome of a year's hard work is decided. And finally, bottling - the moment when the result of all the hard work is ready.
💡 Advice for budding winemakers?
A winemaker needs specialist knowledge, passion and stamina, must keep an eye on quality, customers and the business, balance work and life - without forgetting their own self-care.

📸 Terzer Armin & Pardellerhof

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Holt euch Marlings Gastgeberverzeichnis, die Panoramakarte, den Dorfplan, den Urlaubsbegleiter und weitere Broschüren rund um Marling – druckfrisch bei uns in der Tourismusinformation Marling! 📚✨

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Alternativ senden wir euch die Broschüren auch gerne per Post oder E-Mail zu. 📬

Kommt vorbei! Wir freuen uns, euch mit tollen Tipps und Highlights für einen unvergesslichen Aufenthalt in Marling auszustatten. 😊

Euer Team vom Tourismusverein Marling🌷

📸IDM_Patrick Schwienbacher_Marlinger Waalweg

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