The Waalweg Trail of Marling
The longest irrigation channels in South Tyrol
The Waalweg Trail of Marling
The Waalweg Trail of Marling
The Waalweg Trail of Marling
The Waalweg Trail of Marling
The Waalweg Trail of Marling
The Waalweg Trail of Marling
The Waalweg Trail of Marling

The Waalweg Trail

Hiking along the irrigation channel

Twelve kilometers long, the Marlinger Waalweg trail is a popular hiking trail which runs along the former irrigation channels, the longest of its kind in South Tyrol. Starting at the Töllbrücke bridge, the 250 year-old path gently ascends through apple orchards and woods to firmer and more level ground. After pausing to admire the medieval Lebenberg Castle, hikers continue slightly downhill along the slope of Marling mountain to the village of Lana.

Spectacular views of the surrounding mountains can be seen along the entire length of the Marlinger Waalweg trail. The agricultural landscape lining the irrigation channels is also impressive, with meadows and forests alternating with vineyards and orchards. Along the Marlinger Waalweg trail there are also impressive views of the Merano basin, the Val Passiria/Passeier Valley, and the imposing Texelgruppe mountain range. The Marlinger Waalweg trail is well-connected to the public transport network, allowing visitors to move around without need for a car.
Hiking suggestions
around the Marlinger Waalweg Trail
Marling Waalweg Trail to Töll open
Marling Waalweg Trail to Töll

Unique and beautiful Marling Waalweg Trail to Töll/Tel with start in the center of Marling.

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Toward the Sun open
Toward the Sun

Easy route with start at the railway station of Marling/Marlengo.

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The Marlengo/Marling irrigation channel path open
The Marlengo/Marling irrigation channel path

Excursion on the Marlengo/Marling irrigation channel path with start in the center of Marling.

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Marling Waalweg, the longest of all the irrigation channel trails open
Marling Waalweg, the longest of all the irrigation channel trails

Excursion on the Marling Waalweg, the longest of all the irrigation channel trails.

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Easy Hike on Marling Waalweg Trail open
Easy Hike on Marling Waalweg Trail

Easy and beautiful Hike on Marling Waalweg Trail to Lana with start in the center of Marling.

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Circular Hike on the Marling Waalweg and Höhenweg Trails open
Hiking, High Mountain Trail
Circular Hike on the Marling Waalweg and Höhenweg Trails

Circular Hike on the Marling Waalweg and Höhenweg Trails with start at the Hotel Restaurant Waldschenke.

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Easy Hike on Marling Waalweg Trail open
Easy Hike on Marling Waalweg Trail

Easy Hike on Marling Waalweg Trail with start in the centre of Marling/Marlengo.

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The history of the Waalweg of Marling

With a length of 12 km, the Marlinger Waal (irrigation channel) is the longest in the Meran basin. Running between Töll and Lana, it provides water to some 300 hectares of meadows and fields. Its construction dates back to the mid-18th century and the time of the Carthusian monastery of Allerengelberg in the Schnals Valley.
In 1619 the Carthusians had bought the Gojenhof estate in Marling to supply them with wine. Over 100 years later they began work on a Waal to irrigate the vines, to run from the River Etsch all the way along the slope of the Marling mountain. The Carthusians had experience in the construction of such waterways, having already created channels and gullies to supply water to a number of their monastery farms in the Schnals Valley.
The construction of the Marlinger Waal was much more difficult than expected, however, especially the first few kilometres through the steep rock. When the work began in 1737 it was expected to cost 12,000 guilders. Construction lasted 19 years and ultimately cost 80,000 guilders. Without the help of the municipality of Marling, the monastery could never have finished the Waal.
In 1897 a hydroelectric power plant began operation at Töll. Since then the water has run underground, through the rock, for the first 800 metres. The old Waal can however still be seen. In former times up to three “Waaler” watched over the channel, making sure the water never dried up. The alarm system is still in use today: a hammer attached to a waterwheel strikes a bell every time it turns. Should the bell stop sounding, this means the water has stopped flowing. The Waaler must then quickly identify the cause. He had a hut like this to shelter in at night and during thunderstorms.
Stop and enjoy along the Marlinger Waalweg

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Marling - Marlengo Marling - Marlengo Yesterday
Marling - Marlengo

Der astronomische Frühling beginnt ! 🌞🌸🌍

Wusstet ihr, dass der Frühlingsanfang durch das Überschreiten der Sonne über den Himmelsäquator markiert wird?☀ An diesem Tag sind Tag und Nacht überall auf der Erde genau gleich lang – es ist Tag-und-Nacht-Gleiche! 🌙🌄
Das bedeutet, dass die Tage wieder länger werden, mehr Sonnenlicht und Wärme uns erreichen – der Frühling ist endlich da! 🌱✨

Was bedeutet das für Ostern?🌿 🐇
Ostern fällt auf den ersten Sonntag nach dem ersten Vollmond im Frühling. Dieses Jahr feiern wir Ostersonntag am 20. April – die perfekte Zeit, um den Frühling zu genießen! 🐣🌸

Lasst uns den Frühling willkommen heißen und die Sonne genießen! 🌞🥰

📸Terzer Armin

marling_marlengo marling_marlengo 3 days ago

Father's Day - let's celebrate all fathers! 💙
A big thank you to all fathers for everything they do for us - for the little and big things! 💪💚

📸IDM Südtirol-Alto Adige/Harald Wisthaler

#marling #südtirol #meran #vatertag #genussmomente #marlengo #altoadige #southtyrol #visitsouttyrol #fatherday

Marling - Marlengo Marling - Marlengo 4 days ago
Marling - Marlengo

Was für ein Traumwetter! ☀️🌸

Frühlingstemperaturen laden zu einer gemütlichen Wanderung ein! 🚶🌿🌷

Unser Tipp für heute: Leichte Wanderung mit wunderschöner Aussicht am Marlinger Waalweg! 🌿🚶‍♀️

Vom Dorfzentrum Marling der Markierung 35 oder 35 B folgend hinauf zum Waalweg.🚶💧Von da aus begleitet von einer schönen Aussicht in in Richtung Lana. Vorbei am Gasthaus Waalheim (hier vorzeitiger Abstieg nach Marling möglich) bis zur Lebenbergerstraße. In etwa hundert Meter bergab, dann
links über die Mitterterzerstraße, vorbei an schönen Bauernhöfen, zurück nach Marling.🌷🌿

⌚ Gehzeit: ca. 2 1/2 Stunden
⛰️ Schwierigkeitsgrad: Leicht
⬆ Höhenunterschied: 110m
🅿 Parken: Im Zentrum von Marling könnt ihr kostenlos für 120 Minuten parken – ideal für den Start der Wanderung!🥰

Beginnt den Frühling mit einer entspannten Wanderung und genießt die Natur in vollen Zügen. 🌸

📸Terzer Armin

marling_marlengo marling_marlengo 5 days ago

Spring is in the air in Merano! 🌸

The sun is shining, the flowers are in full bloom and the city invites you to take relaxing walks along the spa promenade, surrounded by bright colors and fresh spring air. Let yourself be enchanted by the beauty of the season and enjoy Merano at its best. 🚶‍♂️🌼🌞
Are you ready for a spring walk through Merano? 🌺🌼🌷

📸 IDM Südtirol-Alto Adige/Marion Lafogler

#marling #südtirol #meran #wandernsüdtirol #genussmomente #marlengo #altoadige #southtyrol #visitsouttyrol #visitmerano #springvibes

marling_marlengo marling_marlengo 7 days ago

🍷 Winemaker Portrait: Erwin Eccli - Pardellerhof winery 🍇

Their wines are the result of genuine craftsmanship.
With attention to detail and a flair for quality, their craftsmanship is reflected in every drop.

🌱 Which grape varieties?
“We love all varieties!” Variety is our strength.
🍷 Must-try?
Pratellum - a wine that is unique every year. Sometimes from one, sometimes from several grape varieties, it can be produced using special processes or have special characteristics.
🌞 What makes Marling wine unique?
Marling wines combine ideal sun exposure, cool evening temperatures and mineral soils to create a fruity, lively and characterful interpretation of the South Tyrolean wine world.
✂️ Favorite job in the vineyard?
I love listening to podcasts while pruning and switching off from other commitments.
✨ Most exciting moment of the year?
The grape harvest - stressful, but also the best moment of the year. This is when the outcome of a year's hard work is decided. And finally, bottling - the moment when the result of all the hard work is ready.
💡 Advice for budding winemakers?
A winemaker needs specialist knowledge, passion and stamina, must keep an eye on quality, customers and the business, balance work and life - without forgetting their own self-care.

📸 Terzer Armin & Pardellerhof

#marling #südtirol #meran #suedtirolwein #Pardellerhof #qualitätsüdtirol #marlengo #altoadige #altoadigevini #southtyrol #visitsouttyrol #tastesouthtyrol #southtyrolwines #weingutpardellerhof

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