Hiking in the environs
Vantage points with spectacular views are waiting to be conquered
Hiking in the environs

Hiking in the environs

Vantage points with spectacular views are waiting to be conquered

This unique location at the heart of the mountains surrounding Merano provides unforgettable experiences in nature.
Leisurely hikes can be undertaken on the Waalwege (paths alongside the ancient irrigation channels), whilst countless summits such as the Mutspitze or Laugen are waiting to be conquered by summiteers.
Numerous cable cars in the vicinity make it easy to access the lofty heights of the mountains.
Breathtaking panoramic views reward hikers, for example on the Meraner Höhenweg Trail, or the countless other hiking trails in the region. One particular highlight is the highest lake district in Europe: the Spronser Seen lakes in the Texelgruppe Nature Park entice visitors with crystal-clear water and fabulous views.
Cable cars in the environs of Marlengo
Cablecar San Vigilio/Vigiljoch
Cablecar San Vigilio/Vigiljoch
Europe's third-oldest cable car, built in 1912, takes you up to the Vigiljoch - which is now back in operation after a 9-month construction period, completely ...
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Hochmuth Cablecar
Hochmuth Cablecar
The cablecar takes you from Dorf Tirol/Tirolo (650 m) to Hochmuth (1400 m) within 5 minutes. You'll reach a wonderful mountain-scenery with a uniqe view above ...
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Cable car Hirzer
Cable car Hirzer
Within a few minutes, the Hirzer aerial tram takes you 1.500 m higher, right to the heart of one of the most amazing hiking areas in the Merano disctrict. From ...
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Burgstall-Vöran Funicular
Burgstall-Vöran Funicular
The mountain community of Vöran/Verano, situated on the Tschögglberg Mountain Plateau, is one of the sunniest areas in all of South Tyrol. Here, the sun rises ...
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Cable Car Texel Partschins/Parcines
Cable Car Texel Partschins/Parcines
Simply hop into the Texel Panorama Cable Car at Partschins/Parcines – a great adventure for the whole family way up the mountains and the perfect place for a ...
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Cablecar Unterstell Naturno
Cablecar Unterstell Naturno
The cable car Unterstell takes hikers and trekkers from Naturno/Naturns, area Compaccio/Kompatsch, to the mountain station Unterstell. Unterstell is the ...
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Gondola basket lift Vellau-Leiter Alm
Gondola basket lift Vellau-Leiter Alm
Chairlift and gondola basket lift Vellau Up to airy heights! The ride with the single chairlift from Plars to Vellau is a dreamlike experience of nature. ...
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Chairlift Meran-Dorf Tirol
Chairlift Meran-Dorf Tirol
The chairlift ist the fastest and most convenient mode of transport between Dorf Tirol/Tirolo and the centre of Merano. It starts at Monte S. Benedetto and ...
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«12» 10 items on 2 pages, displayed items 1-8
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marling_marlengo marling_marlengo 24 hours ago

Spring is in the air in Merano! 🌸

The sun is shining, the flowers are in full bloom and the city invites you to take relaxing walks along the spa promenade, surrounded by bright colors and fresh spring air. Let yourself be enchanted by the beauty of the season and enjoy Merano at its best. 🚶‍♂️🌼🌞
Are you ready for a spring walk through Merano? 🌺🌼🌷

📸 IDM Südtirol-Alto Adige/Marion Lafogler

#marling #südtirol #meran #wandernsüdtirol #genussmomente #marlengo #altoadige #southtyrol #visitsouttyrol #visitmerano #springvibes

marling_marlengo marling_marlengo 4 days ago

🍷 Winemaker Portrait: Erwin Eccli - Pardellerhof winery 🍇

Their wines are the result of genuine craftsmanship.
With attention to detail and a flair for quality, their craftsmanship is reflected in every drop.

🌱 Which grape varieties?
“We love all varieties!” Variety is our strength.
🍷 Must-try?
Pratellum - a wine that is unique every year. Sometimes from one, sometimes from several grape varieties, it can be produced using special processes or have special characteristics.
🌞 What makes Marling wine unique?
Marling wines combine ideal sun exposure, cool evening temperatures and mineral soils to create a fruity, lively and characterful interpretation of the South Tyrolean wine world.
✂️ Favorite job in the vineyard?
I love listening to podcasts while pruning and switching off from other commitments.
✨ Most exciting moment of the year?
The grape harvest - stressful, but also the best moment of the year. This is when the outcome of a year's hard work is decided. And finally, bottling - the moment when the result of all the hard work is ready.
💡 Advice for budding winemakers?
A winemaker needs specialist knowledge, passion and stamina, must keep an eye on quality, customers and the business, balance work and life - without forgetting their own self-care.

📸 Terzer Armin & Pardellerhof

#marling #südtirol #meran #suedtirolwein #Pardellerhof #qualitätsüdtirol #marlengo #altoadige #altoadigevini #southtyrol #visitsouttyrol #tastesouthtyrol #southtyrolwines

Marling - Marlengo Marling - Marlengo 4 days ago
Marling - Marlengo

Der Frühling zieht langsam in Marling ein und mit ihm die Zeit für köstliche Frühlingsgerichte! 🌸🌷😋

Die milden Temperaturen und die wärmende Frühlingssonne laden zu einem Spaziergang ein und danach zu einer genussvollen Einkehr in einem unserer Restaurants. 🚶‍🌷 Auch auf den Speisekarten ist der Frühling bereits angekommen: Leichte, frische und schmackhafte Gerichte laden zum Genießen ein. 🌞🍽️

Lasst euch von den ersten warmen Sonnenstrahlen verwöhnen und erlebt kulinarische Genussmomente in den gemütlichen Gaststätten von Marling. 😊🍴

📸IDM Südtirol-Alto Adige/Damian Pertoll

Marling - Marlengo Marling - Marlengo 6 days ago
Marling - Marlengo

Unsere neuen Drucksorten sind da! 🥰

Holt euch Marlings Gastgeberverzeichnis, die Panoramakarte, den Dorfplan, den Urlaubsbegleiter und weitere Broschüren rund um Marling – druckfrisch bei uns in der Tourismusinformation Marling! 📚✨

Darin findet ihr alles, was ihr für die Planung eures nächsten Besuchs in Marling braucht: Unterkünfte, Wanderungen, Gastronomiebetriebe, Veranstaltungen und vieles mehr! 🏞🍴🛏️

Alternativ senden wir euch die Broschüren auch gerne per Post oder E-Mail zu. 📬

Kommt vorbei! Wir freuen uns, euch mit tollen Tipps und Highlights für einen unvergesslichen Aufenthalt in Marling auszustatten. 😊

Euer Team vom Tourismusverein Marling🌷

📸IDM_Patrick Schwienbacher_Marlinger Waalweg

marling_marlengo marling_marlengo 7 days ago

Restaurants and inns in Marling! 🥰🍽️

The gastronomy in Marling is varied: from traditional dishes to modern delicacies - there is something for every taste. 😋✨

Do you know all the restaurants and inns in Marling? No? We'll introduce you to the culinary highlights in our stories over the next few months!😉

#marling #südtirol #meran #qualitätsüdtirol #marlengo #altoadige #qualitáaltoadige #southtyrol #visitsouttyrol #tastesouthtyrol

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