Car park next to the Waalweg trail of Marlengo/Marling - Waalheim
Car park next to the Waalweg trail of Marlengo/Marling - Waalheim
On the public car park next to the restaurant Waalheim (via Monte) can be parked for free.
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Lime Pit and Lime Kiln
Lime Pit and Lime Kiln
10 minutes‘ walk from the Schwarze Lacke habitat are the lime pit and lime kilns, which were an important source of employment for many Marling residents until ...
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canale d`irrigazione di Marlengo/Marlinger Waalweg
canale d`irrigazione di Marlengo/Marlinger Waalweg
Twelve kilometers long, the Marlinger Waalweg trail is a popular hiking trail which runs along the former irrigation channels, the longest of its kind in South ...
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Circular Hike on the Martinsweg Trail
Circular Hike on the Martinsweg Trail
Martinsweg trail is an easily accessible, newly laid circular route named after the small Church of St. Martin, which is located close to the Eggerhöfe ...
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Pharmacy Salus
Pharmacy Salus
Marling’s pharmacy is located on the square Kirchplatz.
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Harra Hair
Harra Hair
Trendy cuts, snappy styles – Harry & team look forward to welcoming you!
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The WineCulturePath Marlengo
The WineCulturePath Marlengo
From the village centre, the Wine Culture Path leads along quiet village streets via the Meran Burggräfler wine co-operative and the numerous wine farms of ...
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