Reach Marlengo by bus
Reach Marlengo in South Tyrol by bus

Reach Marlengo by bus

Reach Marlengo in South Tyrol by bus

Reach Merano and Environs in South Tyrol from Germany, Switzerland and Austria by bus.

From Munich: Meraner Land Express
Every Wednesday and Saturday from 09 March to 09 November 2024 there is a bus transfer from Munich central bus station (ZOB) to Marling/Marlengo. There is also a shuttle service to the accommodation and back.

INFORMAtion and booking      price one way from price round trip from
Marlengo Tourist office Marlengo Tel. +39 0473 447 147

€ 55,00  € 85,00 

For children up to 6 years free of charge. From 6-14 years 50% discount.
*Subject to change without notice.

At the tourist office of Marling/Marlengo.

Your bus connection from Switzerland to Merano.

Dates and prices 2024:
Every Saturday from 06th April until 26th October 2024
Return ticket CHF 185.00
One-way ticket CHF 125.00
Booking fee CHF 10.00

Südtirol Express, Egnach (CH)
Tel. +41 (0)71 298 11 11

Train connections from Switzerland at

Train connections from all major cities in Germany at: