Reach Marlengo by bus
Reach Marlengo in South Tyrol by bus
Reach Marlengo by bus

Reach Marlengo by bus

Reach Marlengo in South Tyrol by bus

R Reach Merano and Environs in South Tyrol from Germany, Switzerland and Austria by bus.

From Munich: Meraner Land Express
Every Wednesday and Saturday from 09 March to 09 November 2024 there is a bus transfer from Munich central bus station (ZOB) to Marling/Marlengo. There is also a shuttle service to the accommodation and back.

INFORMAtion and booking      price one way from price round trip from
Marlengo Tourist office Marlengo Tel. +39 0473 447 147

€ 55,00  € 85,00 

For children up to 6 years free of charge. From 6-14 years 50% discount.
*Subject to change without notice.

At the tourist office of Marling/Marlengo.

Your bus connection from Switzerland to Merano.

Dates and prices 2024:
Every Saturday from 06th April until 26th October 2024
Return ticket CHF 185.00
One-way ticket CHF 125.00
Booking fee CHF 10.00

Südtirol Express, Egnach (CH)
Tel. +41 (0)71 298 11 11

Train connections from Switzerland at

Train connections from all major cities in Germany at: