Sports Zone Marlengo

Sports zone in the village Marling/Marlengo.

In the lower part of the village of Marling is the sports zone, which was renovated in 2009. A skate park, football pitches, beach volleyball, badminton and tennis courts are all available. The facilities can be reserved in the sports zone’s café (0039 0473 449777).

Public transport

The bus line 211 and 212 stopp direct in the street Gampenstr./Via Palade. From there about 15 min. on foot to the sports zone.

Description to arrive at destination

On the MEBO street until Marling/Marlengo. Then the street Gampenstr./Via Palade until the restaurant Anny then right into the street Neuwiesenweg/Via Prati Nuovi until the sports zone of Marling/Marlengo.


In front of the sport zone are some parking areas.

Author's tip
  • The facilities can be reserved in the sports zone’s café (0039 0473 449 777).
year-long: all-season
9:00 AM - 10:00 PM
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