South Tyrol's WineCulture Ambassadors
The WineCulture Marling award

the WineCulture in Marling

Marling has a long-standing tradition of winemaking and, in recent years, has increasingly reconnected with its centuries-old roots. Through numerous initiatives and a growing number of wineries and distilleries, the region is becoming a hub of Wine Culture in South Tyrol.

Notable projects include the "Burggräfler Weinbiachl" published by the Cultural Heritage Association, the Merano Wine Cookbook, the unique Marling Wine Praline, and the WineCulturePath, which takes visitors through picturesque vineyards and offers fascinating insights into local wine production.

The WineCulture Ambassadors of Marling

To further enrich the diversity of South Tyrolean wine culture, the title of Wine Culture Ambassador was introduced for the first time in 2018. This title honors individuals who stand out for their commitment and achievements in promoting South Tyrol's wine landscape. Wine Culture Ambassadors play a key role in preserving the rich history of South Tyrol’s wine culture while setting innovative impulses for the future.