WineCultureAmbassadors 2024
Christine Mayr & Helmuth Köcher are the winners
WineCultureAmbassadors 2024
News Opening hours of the Marling ice skating rink: Tue – Wed – Thu: 2:00 PM – 6:00 PM | Fri: 2:00 PM – 9:00 PM | Sat – Sun: 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM

Awarding of the New WineCultureAmbassadors at Monteleone Castle

Christine Mayr and Helmuth Köcher as First Dual Awardees for Marling’s WineCulture

Wine Culture Ambassadors 2024 Honored in Marling:
Christine Mayr and Helmuth Köcher

On November 4, 2024, the historic Lebenberg castle hosted the ceremonial awarding of Marling's new WineCultureAmbassadors. For the first time, two distinguished figures were recognized jointly: Christine Mayr, sommelière, and Helmuth Köcher, founder and president of the Merano WineFestival. Both share a profound passion for South Tyrolean wine, contributing actively to the promotion of the region’s wine culture.

The WineCultureAmbassador title was introduced in 2018 to honor individuals who enrich South Tyrol's wine landscape with knowledge, dedication, and innovative impulses. Christine Mayr and Helmuth Köcher each received a certificate in recognition of their outstanding efforts to strengthen and promote South Tyrolean wine culture both locally and beyond. Walter Mairhofer, coordinator of Marling’s WineCulture, praised the awardees, highlighting their significant influence on the prestige of South Tyrolean wine.

The awarding of WineCultureAmbassadors is a central element of Marling’s WineCulture initiative, supported by tourism, gastronomy, and hospitality as well as by the local community. Mayor Felix Lanpacher emphasized the importance of wine-growing for Marling, noting the municipality’s openness to new projects in this field.

The highlight of the evening was a tribute speech delivered by Sebastian Marseiler, followed by a selection of culinary specialties by Karl Telfser. The awarding of the new WineCultureAmbassadors once again underscores the importance of wine culture as a unique hallmark and flagship of Marling and the surrounding region.
The honouree Christine Mayr & Helmuth Köcher with laudator Sebastian Marseiler
The WineCultureAmbassador 2024 award ceremony at Lebenberg Castle
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Marling - Marlengo Marling - Marlengo 3 days ago
Marling - Marlengo

❄️ Winterzauber am Vigiljoch – ein Ort voller Geschichte und Magie! ❄️

Eingehüllt in Stille, umgeben von glitzerndem Schnee und atemberaubender Natur: Eine Winterwanderung zur Sankt-Vigilius-Kirche auf 1793 m ist ein Erlebnis, das euch nicht nur die Schönheit der Südtiroler Landschaft zeigt, sondern auch in die Vergangenheit eintauchen lässt.

💫 Schon gewusst? Das Vigiljoch war bereits in prähistorischer Zeit ein Kultplatz. Feuersteinfunde und Schalensteine aus der Bronzezeit zeugen von der besonderen Energie dieses Ortes. Die heutige Kirche wurde vermutlich über einem heidnischen Kultplatz errichtet und im 12. Jahrhundert erstmals urkundlich erwähnt.

👣 Tipp: Startet eure Winterwanderung früh, um die klare Bergluft und das besondere Licht am Vigiljoch in vollen Zügen zu genießen. Vergesst eure Kamera nicht – die verschneite Landschaft rund um die Kirche ist ein Traum!

📸 Ihr habt ein tolles Bild vom Vigiljoch? Zeigt es uns gerne 😍

marling_marlengo marling_marlengo 3 days ago

Postcard views from snowy days in Marling! ❄️✨

📸 Lintner Christian

#marling #südtirol #meran #wandernsüdtirol #panorama #marlengo #altoadige #southtyrol #wintertime #winterwonderland #mountains #landscapephotography

marling_marlengo marling_marlengo 6 days ago

Snowshoeing & winter hiking in Marling and the surrounding area 🌟❄️

Our recommendations for your next winter adventure:

🌄 Winter hiking in the Merano Region - fantastic views
👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Vigiljoch - A family-friendly winter paradise
🎿 Merano 2000 - The highlight for sports enthusiasts and nature lovers
🚶‍♂️ Hafling and Tschögglberg - Relaxed routes with fantastic panoramas
⛷️ Schwemmalm in Ultental Valley - Unspoilt nature and lots of fun in the snow

What is your favorite winter hiking area? ❄️

📸IDM Südtirol-Alto Adige/Dietmar Denger

#marling #südtirol #meran #schneeschuhwandern #winterurlaub #marlengo #altoadige #southtyrol #mountains #winterhiking

Marling - Marlengo Marling - Marlengo 7 days ago
Marling - Marlengo

⛸️ Schlittschuhe an – Eiszauber in Marling! ❄️

Der Winter in Marling hat seinen ganz eigenen Charme – und was könnte schöner sein, als noch ein paar Runden auf dem Eis zu drehen? Unser Eislaufplatz ist der perfekte Ort für einen entspannten Nachmittag mit Familie und Freunden.

📅 Aber aufgepasst: Der Eiszauber endet bald! Nur noch bis zum 1. Februar habt ihr die Gelegenheit, euch auf die Kufen zu schwingen.

marling_marlengo marling_marlengo 10 days ago

Discover the Marling Wine Culture Trail - a special experience all year round”! 🍇✨

Are you a wine lover or just someone who enjoys walking in nature? Then the Marling Wine Culture Trail is perfect for you! 🌿🚶‍♂️

This 4 km trail takes you through picturesque landscapes and past the wine farms of Marling. Along the way, you'll learn all about the history and culture of Marling wine. 🍷

Experience culture, history and enjoyment on this beautiful hike. ✨

📸 Pertoll Damian, TV Marling

#marling #südtirol #meran #suedtirolwein #weinkulturweg #marlengo #altoadige #southtyrol #winelovers

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