WineCulture Ambassador 2019
WineCulture Ambassador 2019
News Opening hours of the Marling ice skating rink: Tue – Wed – Thu: 2:00 PM – 6:00 PM | Fri: 2:00 PM – 9:00 PM | Sat – Sun: 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM
On Wednesday evening, the elegant setting of the Park Hotel Reserve Marlena in Marling hosted the second edition of the "WineCulture Ambassador" award. This year, the prestigious honor was presented to renowned winemaker Alois Lageder, a pioneer of South Tyrolean wine.

Laudation for Alois Lageder
Jury member Sebastian Marseiler highlighted the outstanding achievements of the awardee: "As a Wine Culture Ambassador, Alois Lageder embodies extraordinary dedication to the prestige of South Tyrolean wine and, through his achievements, has strengthened and further developed the traditional and multifaceted world of wine in our region."
On behalf of Marling’s WineCulture, Mayor Walter Mairhofer presented Alois Lageder with a plaque designed by Laurin Kofler. The design, reminiscent of a wine barrel stave, symbolizes the connection between tradition and innovation.

A Glimpse into the Life of Alois Lageder

Born in Bolzano, Alois Lageder laid the foundation for his career at the "Scuola di Amministrazione Industriale" in Turin. He furthered his education in Switzerland (Wädenswil) and Germany (Weinsberg), focusing on viticulture and oenology. He later took over the family business and played an active role in South Tyrolean wine institutions. As a pioneer of biodynamic viticulture, Lageder has implemented sustainable concepts, earning numerous international accolades. The "Wine Culture Ambassador" title is yet another acknowledgment of his contributions to strengthening South Tyrolean wine culture both locally and globally.

The Vibrant Wine Culture of Marling
Marling boasts a centuries-old winemaking tradition and has, in recent years, become a hub for Wine Culture. Through numerous initiatives and a growing number of wineries and distilleries, the importance of wine for the region is being actively promoted.

In 2018, the annual "WineCultureAmbassador" award was established for the first time, aiming to honor individuals who strengthen South Tyrol's wine culture through their work and represent it as ambassadors to the world.

An Evening of Celebration and Delight
Following the ceremony, guests enjoyed an exclusive dinner featuring top South Tyrolean wines and regional specialties. To conclude the evening, each participant received the Marling Wine Praline by Klaus Pircher, a delightful combination of milk chocolate filled with Merlot, dark praline with grappa filling, and white praline filled with Passito.

With the award presented to Alois Lageder, Marling once again highlights the importance and diversity of South Tyrolean WineCulture.

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❓ Welche Weinsorte ist euer Favorit? ❓

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🎉 Frohes Neues Jahr aus Marling! 🎉

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Lasst uns gemeinsam auf ein Jahr voller Entdeckungen, Genuss und besondere Augenblicke anstoßen. 🥂🍇

Auf ein glückliches und erfülltes 2025!

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