WineCulture of Marlengo
Wine as leading role
WineCulture of Marlengo

WineCulture of Marlengo

Wine as leading role

The village of Marlengo/Marling has long been known for its wines and vineyards. Nestled on the western slopes of the spa town of Merano/Meran, this tranquil, rural village with its historic vineyards has attracted countless wine-lovers over the centuries.

The Merano Winery is situated at the foot of the Marlengo mountain. The impressive new cellar is an architectural landmark and, with a view overlooking the Etschtal Valley, is the ideal setting for wine tastings.

There are also small, independent wineries in Marling, such as the Plonerhof, Popphof, Gruberhof and Pardellerhof, Hillepranterhof and Eichenstein, producing excellent reds and whites. The Marlengo-based Unterthurner Distillery and the distillery Lahnerhof produce high-quality spirits and grappas, utilizing mainly local ingredients.
Wine & Design-Gain insight into the viticulture in the Cantina Merano Winery
Thursday 13 Mar
15:00 - 17:00
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Wine & Design-Gain insight into the viticulture in the Cantina Merano Winery
Oak, glass and breathtaking views: The Cantina Merano Winery is a must-visit for anyone who loves architecture, design and wine. During a guided cellar tour, visitors can learn how grapes are ...
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The fascination of wine: wine cellar tour at the Plonerhof winery
Thursday 13 Mar
Nörderstraße/Via Tramontana 29, Marling
15:00 - 16:30
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The fascination of wine: wine cellar tour at the Plonerhof winery
The Plonerhof winery in Marling invites you to an exclusive wine tasting and cellar tour every Thursday at 3:00 PM, year-round (except during harvest). Experience how passion and expertise create ...
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Guided tour through the distillery Unterthurner
Friday 14 Mar
10:00 - 11:30
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Guided tour through the distillery Unterthurner
Welcome to the Unterthurner Distillery, one of the oldest distilleries in South Tyrol – renowned for its artisanal perfection and the distinctive character of its fine distillates. Experience ...
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Guided wine cellar tour at the Winery Gruberhof
Friday 14 Mar
16:00 - 18:00
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Guided wine cellar tour at the Winery Gruberhof
From March to the end of October, the biological Gruberhof winery in Marling invites you to guided tours of the wine cellar every Friday at 4:00 PM. Discover the fascinating world of viticulture and ...
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Guided tour through the Rochelehof adventure cellar
Friday 28 Mar
17:00 - 18:30
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Guided tour through the Rochelehof adventure cellar
History, Traditions and Wine Culture During this personal tour with wine connoisseur and host Walter, you'll gain fascinating insights into the history and traditions of winemaking in the ...
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Wine tasting at the Popphof winery
Tuesday 01 Apr
16:30 - 18:30
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Wine tasting at the Popphof winery
Discover the characterful wines of Popphof winery every Tuesday at 4:30 PM from April to the end of August during an exclusive wine tasting with winemaker Katharina. At the historic Popphof in ...
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OUR WORLD OF WINE-Wine cellar tour and tasting at the Hillepranter winery
Thursday 03 Apr
17:30 - 19:30
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OUR WORLD OF WINE-Wine cellar tour and tasting at the Hillepranter winery
From April to the beginning of November, young winemaker Lukas from the Hillepranterhof invites you to enjoy his exquisite wines every Thursday at 5:30 pm. Immerse yourself in the fascinating world ...
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Pleasure trail through the vineyard and cellar at Pardellerhof
Wednesday 09 Apr
17:00 - 19:00
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Pleasure trail through the vineyard and cellar at Pardellerhof
Aperitivo with small culinary delights and wine whispering Experience a delightful wine tasting every Wednesday from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM at the Pardellerhof. Stroll through multiple stations, savoring ...
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«12» 9 items on 2 pages, displayed items 1-8
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Marling - Marlengo Marling - Marlengo Yesterday
Marling - Marlengo

Unsere neuen Drucksorten sind da! 🥰

Holt euch Marlings Gastgeberverzeichnis, die Panoramakarte, den Dorfplan, den Urlaubsbegleiter und weitere Broschüren rund um Marling – druckfrisch bei uns in der Tourismusinformation Marling! 📚✨

Darin findet ihr alles, was ihr für die Planung eures nächsten Besuchs in Marling braucht: Unterkünfte, Wanderungen, Gastronomiebetriebe, Veranstaltungen und vieles mehr! 🏞🍴🛏️

Alternativ senden wir euch die Broschüren auch gerne per Post oder E-Mail zu. 📬

Kommt vorbei! Wir freuen uns, euch mit tollen Tipps und Highlights für einen unvergesslichen Aufenthalt in Marling auszustatten. 😊

Euer Team vom Tourismusverein Marling🌷

📸IDM_Patrick Schwienbacher_Marlinger Waalweg

marling_marlengo marling_marlengo Yesterday

Restaurants and inns in Marling! 🥰🍽️

The gastronomy in Marling is varied: from traditional dishes to modern delicacies - there is something for every taste. 😋✨

Do you know all the restaurants and inns in Marling? No? We'll introduce you to the culinary highlights in our stories over the next few months!😉

#marling #südtirol #meran #qualitätsüdtirol #marlengo #altoadige #qualitáaltoadige #southtyrol #visitsouttyrol #tastesouthtyrol

Marling - Marlengo Marling - Marlengo 4 days ago
Marling - Marlengo

🍏 Was passiert mit dem Apfel nach der Ernte? 🍏

Finde es heraus – jeden Dienstag bei der Apfelführung in der Obstgenossenschaft CAFA in Meran! 🌿🍎

Morgen geht es wieder los! Begleite unseren Apfelexperten Franz und erfahre, wie der Südtiroler Apfel gelagert, sortiert und verpackt wird. Er gibt spannende Einblicke in Sorten, Inhaltsstoffe und die richtige Lagerung zuhause.
Zum Abschluss wartet eine kleine Verkostung! 😋

Im letzten Jahr war das Interesse groß – viele Besucher waren begeistert. Also nicht verpassen! 📅

📍 Wann? Jeden Dienstag von Mitte März bis Mitte November
📍 Wo? Obstgenossenschaft CAFA, Meran

ℹ️ Weitere Infos und Anmeldung unter:

Warst du schon einmal bei einer Apfelführung dabei? 🍏


Marling - Marlengo Marling - Marlengo 6 days ago
Marling - Marlengo

🌿 Frühlingszauber in den Gärten von Schloss Trauttmansdorff! 🌸✨

Am 1. April öffnen die Gärten von Schloss Trauttmansdorff wieder ihre Tore – und das bedeutet: ein Farbenmeer aus Blüten, mediterrane Atmosphäre und einzigartige Panorama-Ausblicke! 😍🌷

Ob beim gemütlichen Spaziergang durch exotische Gartenlandschaften oder beim Entdecken der ersten Frühlingsboten – ein Besuch lohnt sich immer!

👉 Wer war schon mal dort? Und was ist euer Lieblingsplatz in den Gärten? 😊

marling_marlengo marling_marlengo 6 days ago

Travel relaxed - arrive stress-free! ✨🚆

Travel comfortably by train, bus, or plane to the beautiful region around Merano and start your vacation while you're on the way. 🚄✈️ Sit back, relax and watch the beautiful scenery pass by! 🚌💛

📸: IDM Südtirol-Alto Adige/Manuel Ferrigato, SkyAlps_©zulupictures, TV Dorf Tirol/Robert Mendini

#marling #südtirol #meran #südtirolmobil #urlaubsüdtirol #marlengo #altoadige #altoadigemobilitá #southtyrol #visitsouttyrol

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