Alpine Forest Bathing in Merano and Environs

Alpine Forest Bathing in Merano and Environs

For your health and well-being, immerse yourself in the verdant splendor of Lana and its environs

What is forest bathing? Numerous studies have shown that spending time in the wilderness (and in the woods in particular), positively affects our sense of well-being, improves our immune system and adjusts our blood pressure and pulse rate, while lowering cortisone levels. Forests are in many ways beneficial environments for us humans and Alpine forest bathing is a natural and sustainable way of reducing stress and revitalizing the body. Through the conscious and controlled deceleration of our sensory perception, our thought processes slow down, enabling us to relax.

  • Specialists
  • Vigiljoch, a place of energy
Leave the stresses of daily life behind and immerse yourself in the unspoilt tranquility of the forest! What better place to inhale the fresh, clean air, replenish the oxygen in your system and sharpen the senses than on the Vigiljoch mountain or during the Forest Bathing (Shinrin Yoku) with Berta in Tisens?
Church festival St. Magdalena with holy mass | Cermes/Tscherms
Monday 22 Jul
Church festival St. Magdalena with holy mass | Cermes/Tscherms
Church festival St. Magdalena and holy mass, Obergrießensteinhof Cermes/Tscherms, at 19.00.
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Guided hiking tour -
Tuesday 23 Jul
08:50 - 17:00
Guided hiking tour - "Kurzras-Berglalm-Grubalm-Stausee Vernagt"
From Kurzras (valley station of the glacier railway) slightly uphill to the rustic Berglalm, (refreshments available) and on to the Grubalm and back to the car park next to the Vernagt reservoir. ...
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