Asfaltart – Merano/Meran turned upside down

Get swept away by the ambiance during the famous Asfaltart street art festival in Merano: for three days, everyone and everything – big or small – is turned on upside down.

A murmur ripples through the crowd as children hold their breath. Between the Passer river and the Kurhaus, a crowd of people has gathered. Children, teenagers and adults alike look up to the street performer in amazement as he hangs upside down on a five-metre pole.

These astonished glances encapsulate the spirit of the international Asfaltart street art festival. They represent a time during which Merano becomes a city full of art, joy and exuberance. From early in the morning until midnight at the beginning of June, Merano will transform into a colourful world of street art.

Every year, clowns, acrobats, magicians, fire-eaters, dancers and jugglers from all over the world assemble in the spa town to entertain the public with their tricks. They sing, dance, make music and entertain in the alleys and under the historical arches. Squares and theatres fill with the sounds of boisterous laughter and joy.
Asfaltart has become one of the most famous street art festivals in Europe: the 13th edition took place at the beginning of June 2019. For three days, artists, performers and musicians will transform the city on the Passer river into a huge open-air stage. Artist's performances in Merano's city centre are just a few minutes' walk apart and surprises await at every turn. Meanwhile, street orchestras march through the city centre.

Tip: So you don't miss a single performance, pick up the programme booklet at the Infopoint on via Cassa di Risparmio!

In addition to the many thrilling performances, a special handicraft market will also take place on the Passer Promenade. The craftsmen who take part in this market are handpicked and offer only products they make themselves.
Asfaltart may be colourful, but Asfaltart is also green! As a so-called GreenEvent, the festival revolves around sustainability meaning that waste separation plays an important role. Meanwhile at the food and drink stand, you'll find a wide range of specialities and gluten-free dishes made from seasonal and (whenever possible) regional ingredients.

Only recycled FSC paper is used for the festival’s print needs. The brochure lists all drinking water fountains in Merano and there is an additional (free) drinking water fountain next to the food and drink stand. Crockery and drinking cups are washed.
In keeping with the motto of the street festival, you too should think sustainably and leave your car at home. You can easily reach the festival by public transport!

As tradition dictates, the festival will open in 2020 with a festive parade from the promenade at the Postbrücke bridge to the city centre and the Sandplatz square, where the first performance will take place: children on stilts "bounding" across the square, riding on their unicycles and balancing on balls...

Ensuring that such a large-scale festival (with more than 25,000 visitors annually) is even possible, the 13-person team of the Kallmünz honorary art association and more than 170 volunteers work many hours, days and weeks in preparation.

The festival is organised by the Kallmünz art association in cooperation with Mairania 857 and the Animativa association.

More information about the programme and the artists can be found at

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