Region Lana

Im Urlaub zuhause nahe Meran

 Zuhause ist, wo man sich wohlfühlt – und das wirst du dich in Lana und Umgebung ganz bestimmt. Die Region im Etschtal verbindet all das, was aus kleinen Momenten die größten Erinnerungen macht. Alpin und mediterran, ländlich und urban, Wander- und Radwege, Berg und Tal. Der autofreie Hausberg Vigiljoch ist per Seilbahn in wenigen Minuten erreichbar und Familien, Aktivliebhaber, Ruhesucher und Genießer finden in Lana ein vielfältiges Freizeit- und Kulturangebot, stille Natur, belebte Dorfgassen und Genusslokale von der Almhütte bis zum Sternerestaurant. 
 Lana verbindet: Vielleicht auch bald dich und uns?
Urlaub und Heimat.
Lana, Tscherms, Burgstall und Gargazon.
Genuss und Erlebnisse.
Berg und Tal.
Wo Dorfgemeinschaften lebendig sind, wo Brauchtum und Moderne nebeneinander existieren und wo Menschen in Einklang mit der Natur leben, dort will man sein.

Wir heißen dich in der alpin-mediterranen Region Lana herzlich willkommen. Ob alleine, zu zweit, mit Familie oder Freunden: Hier kannst du Genussmomente mit deinen Liebsten teilen, Freiheit spüren und Sehnsüchte stillen, Bräuche und Menschen kennenlernen, Neues fühlen, im Urlaub und zugleich zuhause sein.
Aktuelle Story & Highlight
Aktuelle Story & Highlight
Plane jetzt unverbindlich deinen Traumurlaub
Folge uns! vor 5 Tagen

Cool off naturally in a dreamlike setting – that and more awaits you here at @naturbad.gargazon. 🌿 Open daily from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m., this is a special oasis of relaxation for all those who like things a little more cosy.

#lanaconnects #lanaverbindet #lanaunisce #lanaregion #meetmerano #visitsouthtyrol #ilikeitaly #cooldown #poolvibes #relax

0 vor 5 Tagen

Mount Vigiljoch is a place with almost magical powers, proven not only by its healing mineral springs at Bärenbad. Just like on St. Hypolyt, the natural energy of this place has been felt throughout the ages. ✨ Prehistoric places of worship were located here, as the numerous finds of hand-crafted flint stones and hollowed-out bowls made from stone dating from the Bronze Age prove.

⛪ St.Vigilius church, built at an altitude of 1,793 m above sea level, was most likely constructed on the site of a prehistoric heathen place of worship. Its location makes this church one of the highest in Tyrol. From July to the end of August on Sundays at 11.00 a.m. there is held a Holy Mass in this church – an event you shouldn't miss once you're here.

#lanaconnects #lanaverbindet #lanaunisce #lanaregion #meetmerano #visitsouthtyrol #ilikeitaly #vigiljoch #montesanvigilio

0 vor 11 Tagen

The sculpture walk at the foothills of the Nonsberggruppe leads from Niederlana to the Gaulschlucht gorge and via the Ländpromenade to the Falschauer biotope. 🌿 A unique hiking trail for art and nature lovers alike that never fails to captivate visitors from near and far. Along the way, you will not only encounter unique art installations, but also various natural inhabitants that have made their home here. ✨

#lanaconnects #lanaverbindet #lanaunisce #lanaregion #meetmerano #visitsouthtyrol #ilikeitaly

0 vor 14 Tagen

Fancy a brunch? 🥐 "Brunch" is a combination of "breakfast" and "lunch", which is also very popular in the region of Lana among guests and locals, especially now during summer. Sweet and savoury, coffee and smoothie, in the region of Lana, brunch lovers are in just the right place. 🧡

#lanaconnects #lanaverbindet #lanaunisce #lanaregion #meetmerano #visitsouthtyrol #ilikeitaly #brunch #brunchinlana

0 vor 18 Tagen

Mount @vigiljoch1912 not only attracts nature lovers, but also offers special moments of indulgence for enthusiasts of Alpine cuisine. 😋 Whether you want to stop by after a long hike or for a cosy lunch with a fantastic view, discover the many Alpine huts and restaurants on Mount Vigiljoch and be enchanted by the hospitality and the many local specialities.

See here all huts and their opening times on their website:

Photo 10 © @maikewittreck

#lanaconnects #lanaverbindet #lanaunisce #lanaregion #meetmerano #visitsouthtyrol #ilikeitaly #vigiljoch #montesanvigilio

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