Natural ice rink in Pfelders/Plan with sports bar

Ice skating to good disco music on the romantic natural ice rink in Pfelders/Plan.

Curling and broomball games are possible.

Daily ticket:
- Ice skating: € 4
- Ice skating shoes: € 2

Saisonal ticket (Ice skating shoes included):
- adults: € 45
- teenagers (2006-2009): € 35
- kids (2010>): € 25

Public transport

The starting point is easy to reach with the following public connections: With bus line 240 from Meran/Merano to Pfelders/Plan.

Description to arrive at destination

From Meran/Merano to the Passeiertal Valley in direction of Timmelsjoch Mountain Pass to Moos/Moso and further on to Pfelders/Plan.

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