
The Nalserbacherkeller is not far from Nals, on the road towards Prissian and Tisens. The Pallweber family will spoil you in the comfortable cellar or under the vines in the open air. The kitchen offers tasty, varied food, hospitality and a friendly atmosphere. Home-distilled fruit schnaps will round off your meal! Open from the start of April until the end of June from Thursday to Sunday and from the start of August until mid-December from Thursday to Monday. Opening times: Saturday, Sunday and public holidays from 4.00 pm to midnight, weekdays from 5.00 pm to midnight. Advance booking desired.
1 december 2024 - 31 augustus 2025 - gesloten
  • Restaurant in the farm
  • Restaurant for chestnut-eating
Seals of quality
  • Red Rooster
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