The Texelgruppe Nature Park in Schnalstal Valley

The Texelgruppe Nature Park in Schnalstal Valley

The largest nature reserve in South Tyrol

The Texelgruppe Nature Park is set in an area of about 30,000 hectares, extending between Schnalstal Valley in the west and Passeiertal Valley to the east, and from the Etschtal Valley in the south to the Oetztal Alps in the north.
The Nature Park comprises the extensive high mountain region of the entire Texelgruppe mountain range.

The Texelgruppe Nature Park around the Schnalstal Valley is a popular destination for hiking, with dry semi-forested slopes, clear mountain lakes above the timber line and dense forests below. The Val di Fosse/Pfossental side valley occupies the heart of the nature reserve, a pristine area with varied wildlife. During special wildlife hikes in the Pfossental Valley, hikers may spot chamois’ and ibexes, marmots, and eagles. The Pfossental is home to probably more chamois and ibexes than people living in the Schnalstal Valley.

Nature Walk "Life on the Mountain Farms of the Val di Fosse"
A delightful, well-marked, informative walk starting at the Maso Vorderkaser and leading from one mountain farmstead to the next - a chance to learn a little more about the typical flora, fauna and geological aspects of the surrounding countryside and high Alpine pastures with special attention given to local bee-keepers and their work.
Description to arrive at destination

Naturno/Naturns - Schnalstal Valley - Pfossental Valley

Public transport

With the bus line no. 261 to Abzweigung Val di Fosse/Pfossental


in front of Inn Jägerrast, to pay, unguarded

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The Texelgruppe Nature Park in Schnalstal Valley
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