Marling – The Sparkling Village
Marling – The Sparkling Village

Marling – The Sparkling Village

In Marling, pleasure is in the air – and in the glass.
No other village in the Burggrafenamt region can boast four renowned sparkling wine producers, making Marling a true paradise for lovers of fine bubbles.
South Tyrolean sparkling wine is crafted here with the utmost expertise, using the traditional method of bottle fermentation. These exquisite wines reflect the village’s deep-rooted winemaking heritage, which is also showcased in Marling’s WineCulture. Whether as an elegant aperitif or a refined pairing with gourmet dishes, the sparkling wines of Marling embody the perfect harmony of Alpine character and Mediterranean flair.
For those eager to explore the sparkling side of South Tyrol, Marling is the perfect place to experience the diversity and excellence of local sparkling wines.
La storia dello spumante altoatesino

While wine production in South Tyrol thrived in the 19th century, sparkling wine remained insignificant until 1902, when a Champagne winery in Eppan produced the region’s first Riesling-based sparkling wine.
A notable debut followed in 1911 at the Bozner Wein-Kost, but World War I brought production to a halt.
In 1962, Sebastian Stocker revived the tradition with a Brut, and in 1965, Kettmeir achieved market success with a tank-fermented sparkling wine. During the 1970s, Haderburg, Arunda, Praeclarus, and V. Braunbach embraced the traditional method. Since 1990, the Association of South Tyrolean Sparkling Wine Producers has stood for excellence, gaining recognition far beyond the region’s borders.
The art of sparkling wine production
Traditional Method – The King of Sparkling Wine Production

Originally developed in Champagne, this method is considered the finest and most complex way to produce high-quality sparkling wines. It is also widely used by top South Tyrolean producers. The second fermentation occurs directly in the bottle, creating an elegant, long-lasting perlage and refined aromas.
The key steps: 
- Second Fermentation – The base wine is blended with sugar and yeast, bottled, and sealed. This is where natural carbonation develops.
- Riddling – After the minimum aging period, the yeast sediment is carefully moved to the neck of the bottle by gradually rotating it in traditional riddling racks (pupitres) or automated machines.
- Disgorging – The yeast plug is frozen and removed using the bottle’s internal pressure, ensuring a clear sparkling wine.
- Dosage – A mixture of wine and sugar syrup, unique to each producer, is added to determine the final sweetness level. South Tyrolean sparkling wines made using the traditional method stand out for their elegance, finesse, and rich aromas – a true delight for wine enthusiasts.

Other Production Methods 
Carbonation Method – The simplest and fastest technique: carbon dioxide is injected into the wine, either in pressurized tanks or directly into bottles. This method is typically used for more affordable sparkling wines.
Tank Fermentation (Charmat Method) – The second fermentation takes place in large pressurized tanks. This ensures a uniform aging process before the sparkling wine is filtered, cooled, and bottled.
Transfer Method – A combination of traditional bottle fermentation and large-scale filtration. The wine ferments in bottles, but instead of riddling and disgorging, it is transferred to pressurized tanks, filtered, and re-bottled – ideal for maintaining high quality in larger volumes.

South Tyrol’s sparkling wines represent the perfect balance between tradition and innovation, bringing the essence of Alpine and Mediterranean flavors to every sip.
The sparkling wine producers in Marling
vineyard Pardellerhof
vineyard Pardellerhof
The winery Pardellerhof in Marling is a historic farm house from 1285, embedded in the fascinating scenery of the Merano countryside. It is a small winery ...
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Winery Meran
Winery Meran
1 July 2010 saw the merger of the two most venerable wine co-operatives in the Burggrafenamt region, the Burggräfler Winery (founded in 1901) and the Meran ...
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vineyard Plonerhof
vineyard Plonerhof
The Plonerhof in Marlengo presents itself in a completely different way: a fruit farm with apple cultivation has been transformed into a vineyard with up to ...
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Vineyard Geier
Vineyard Geier
The vineyard "Geier Bernhard" is the steepest vineyard in South Tyrol which is accessible by vehicles. In the mids of deciduous and coniferous forests, it is ...
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Marling - Marlengo Marling - Marlengo 3 days ago
Marling - Marlengo

🌿 Frühlingszauber in den Gärten von Schloss Trauttmansdorff! 🌸✨

Am 1. April öffnen die Gärten von Schloss Trauttmansdorff wieder ihre Tore – und das bedeutet: ein Farbenmeer aus Blüten, mediterrane Atmosphäre und einzigartige Panorama-Ausblicke! 😍🌷

Ob beim gemütlichen Spaziergang durch exotische Gartenlandschaften oder beim Entdecken der ersten Frühlingsboten – ein Besuch lohnt sich immer!

👉 Wer war schon mal dort? Und was ist euer Lieblingsplatz in den Gärten? 😊

marling_marlengo marling_marlengo 3 days ago

Travel relaxed - arrive stress-free! ✨🚆

Travel comfortably by train, bus, or plane to the beautiful region around Merano and start your vacation while you're on the way. 🚄✈️ Sit back, relax and watch the beautiful scenery pass by! 🚌💛

📸: IDM Südtirol-Alto Adige/Manuel Ferrigato, SkyAlps_©zulupictures, TV Dorf Tirol/Robert Mendini

#marling #südtirol #meran #südtirolmobil #urlaubsüdtirol #marlengo #altoadige #altoadigemobilitá #southtyrol #visitsouttyrol

marling_marlengo marling_marlengo 5 days ago

The mild spring temperatures invite you to a leisurely hike - enjoy the fresh air, soak up the sun and treat yourself to a delicious lunch or a slice of cake in a Marling inn. 🍰🚶🌸
Sounds tempting, doesn't it? 🌿🥾☀️

📸: Trickytine & Terzer Armin

#marling #südtirol #meran #wanderlust #marlengo #altoadige #southtyrol #hikingtrails

Marling - Marlengo Marling - Marlengo 7 days ago
Marling - Marlengo

🌸 Frühling – du darfst bleiben! ☀️🌿

Jede Wettervorhersage im März ist ein kleines Abenteuer: Erst 20 Grad und Sonnenschein, dann plötzlich Schneefall und Frost. 😅❄️

Aber lieber Frühling, wir haben uns entschieden: Du darfst bleiben! 🌷

Was meint ihr? Wird das Wetter endlich konstant frühlingshaft oder überrascht uns noch ein Wintergruß?

marling_marlengo marling_marlengo 8 days ago

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